Location & Accommodation

Workshop Location

The Workshop will take place at Energy and Nuclear Research Institute (IPEN-CNEN) campus, located in the main campus of São Paulo University (USP) in the city of São Paulo

Av. Professor Lineu Prestes, 2242, Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil

Postal Code: 03178-200

Phone: +55 (11) 3133 9983


Conference Activities

First workshop day presentations will happen at "Administração" building. Other day's activities will take place at the "Predio de Ensino", in a spacious hall at the first floor of the building, as well as in adjacent rooms. These rooms are equipped with projectors and white boards, each chair has a small desk suitable to put notebook or a laptop. Note that electricity supply may not be available.

Snacks and drinks will be available in the hall at coffee breaks and brunches.

Our guests may take advantage of the free Wi-Fi at IPEN campus.

"Predio de Ensino" location in the campus

One of the rooms reserved for oral presentations


Parking spots at IPEN campus can be arranged for the workshop participants. Please, mark the corresponding option while filling out the registration form if you want to park at the campus on the active days of the event, or contact us via e-mail.