Location & Accommodation


For the invited speakers a block of rooms was reserved at WZ Hotel (Av. Rebouças 955, Jardins, 05401-100, São Paulo) very close to the economical and cultural center of São Paulo - Avenida Paulista.

Unfortunately, budget restrictions do not allow us to provide accommodation for all the participants. We, however, recommend WZ Hotel as an accommodation option for the workshop guests. Information on room availability, reservation rates and other details can be found on the hotel website.


On the active workshop days IPEN provides transportation from the WZ Hotel to the campus and back for all the participants. Please, make note of the bus schedule

DEPARTURE FROM WZ (shuttle goes directly to IPEN) 7:30 AM

DEPARTURE FROM IPEN (shuttle to WZ) 6:30 PM

Taxi, Uber (or similar Apps) and public transport are also available in São Paulo. The easiest way to get to IPEN campus from WZ is to take any bus that goes to USP campus. These are:

7411C-10 (does not pass near the main entrance to IPEN campus)



You can also get to Butanta metro station by any means and there take one of the two listed buses that will take you to USP campus:



Both pass near the IPEN main entrance. We recommend to inform the driver that you need to get to IPEN.


IPEN campus is a closed and controlled area, and we assure you that it is absolutely secure. The campus of USP is being patrolled by local police. The region near WZ hotel is calm and mostly safe as well. Nevertheless, one should avoid walking alone in São Paulo, especially in the night time. Moreover, we encourage you to use cautiously cameras and other devices of the kind anywhere outside the IPEN campus.