Creating an Account in Piktochart


Visit the Piktochart website.

Click on the "Sign Up" button in the top right corner of the webpage.

You will be prompted to create an account. You have the option of social sign-in, that is using your Google or Facebook profile. Alternatively, you can sin-up with your email address.

Click on "Create Account."

You will be notified that a confirmation link has been sent in an email. Check your inbox and click on the link.

You will be prompted to enter your email and password to sign in.

Finally, you will need to enter a small amount of information. The quickest way to navigate this is to choose the following options:

  • What do you do? Student - College/University.

  • What is your organization size? 1000 and above .

  • Go ahead, pick as many topics as you want. No thanks.

You're now ready to begin creating your infographic.

Image Credits: Number icons by Vectors Market at FlatIcon all others by Freepik at FlatIcon