Planning Your Infographic

Number 1

Determine what you want to show and pinpoint:

  • the scope of the content,

  • the audience,

  • and the intended message.

If you are working on an assignment, some of this will be in the outline. But when it comes to the message, you need to think about what you want your viewer to take away.

Pinpoint the interesting patterns, key data, and the most important findings.

You will need to take a good look at your research and select the most important points that help get your message across.

Find an appropriate visual metaphor (look at examples if you need inspiration).

Your visual metaphors might relate to sports, outer-space, children, animals, food, etc.

Think how shapes involved in your metaphor (e.g. soccer balls, roads, etc.) relate to graphs or charts. For example a pizza might be a fun way to represent a pie chart.

What kinds of images do you want to use(single colour vs. mutlicolour, neon vs. pastel colours, sketched vs. sleek).

It is a really good idea to sketch out your idea first. First, divide the page up into sections. Next add a title area at the top and start mapping out where you will put each graphic and accompanying text. Don't cram too much onto the infographic - just the key elements.

Remember to include an image credit section at the bottom of the page!

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Image Credits: Number icons by Vectors Market at FlatIcon all others by Freepik at FlatIcon