Free Tools and Resources

Tools for Creating Infographics


Choose from a collection of templates to easily create your own infographic. Import images or use the ones offered by Piktochart.

Log in with your Google account or create an account with Piktochart. To get started with creating an infographic with Piktochart, check out this video tutorial (click to watch other tutorials from Piktochart!)


Choose from a collection of templates to easily create your own infographic.

Make sure to plan out what you want to get across in your infographic so that the message will be clear and the design is focused.

Log in with your Google or Facebook account or create a Canva account.


You can insert Smart Art or shapes to easily create an infographic. Just make sure to start with a blank slide.

Here’s an example of an infographic made with Powerpoint (click to enlarge):

Access a step-by-step guide and a video on building an infographic in PowerPoint.

Another free and easy-to-use infographic builder.

Please note: Free account users must build their infographics from scratch (templates are a premium option) and note that free accounts will only create public infographics which are searchable.

Free Icons and Images

Many of these tools listed above come with a library of images. Either add your own pictures or images or find free ones online.

Note: Remember to include an attribution for the images you use in your infographic. This can be a list of images/icons, the creator, and the source at the very bottom of your infographic.

Library Resources

Humber Libraries have a variety of resources that feature infographics: