
Registration (Needed only for presenters; No need for audiences)

  • Only presenters are requested to visit the information desk at the conference venue. The desk will be found in the following dates and places.
    • 2018-09-25: 13:30-16:30 at Belle Lounge (1st floor, Academic Bldg, North Wing)
      • Please visit on 25th Sep as much as possible.
    • 2018-09-26~28: 8:30-16:30 at Elevator Hall (3rd floor, Academic Bldg, North Wing, East side)
  • Due to insufficient budget and staff, we do not open the desk except for the timings above.
  • At the desk, we will give you (1) name card, (2) receipt, and (3) conference bag (a souvenir inside the bag). The conference bag will be available only for those presenters who will be present at the conference venue. No bag for absent co-authors.

ICSTLL51 Pre-Registration Form (Closed)

Please follow the link below to fill up the form BEFORE sending your abstract through Easychair.

  • Those who wish to submit a paper (including co-authors, if any) must fill up the form.
  • Those who will not present a paper but like to participate in the conference can also fill up the form.

ICSTLL51 Pre-Registration Form (closed)