
Internet connection (Not available!)

  • WiFi is not available at the conference venue.
  • If you have an Eduroam account, you can connect to it. However, the connection of Eduroam at KU is not always good.

Food and Drink (Not available!)

  • No food and drink will be served at the conference venue, even during the break times.
  • Eating is strictly prohibited at the conference venue.
  • Taking soft drinks can be allowed.

Lunch (Please arrange by yourself outside!)

  • Lunch will not be served.
  • Please arrange by yourself outside, as it is prohibited to eat at the conference venue.
  • Lunch map is available [here] with information on recommended restaurants [here].

Toilet (Available!)

  • Toilets are found at each floor of the conference building.

Break rooms (Available!)

  • Belle Lounge (1st floor, West side) and Free Space (2nd floor, East side) can be used as places to take a rest.

Cloakroom (Not Available!)

  • Please keep your belongings by yourself.

Child-care service (Limited availability)

  • Child-care service is available only for presenters who have requested in advance (already closed).