

Our conference venue has been changed from the Yoshida Main Campus to the Yoshida-South Campus.

The conference will be held at the Yoshida-South Campus, Kyoto University.

The nearest bus stop is Kyodai Seimon Mae (京大正門前), 5 minutes on foot to the conference venue.

The second nearest bus stop is Hyakumanben (百万遍), 10 minutes on foot to the conference venue.

How to go to Kyoto University (Yoshida-South Campus)?

Please see here. Or see below:

  • From JR Kyoto station (京都駅)
  1. Take Bus No. 206 and get off at Kyoodai Seimon mae (京大正門前). It takes 30-40 minutes.
  2. Take Bus No. 17 get off at Hyakumanben (百万遍). It takes 30-40 minutes.
  • From Hankyu Kawaramachi station (阪急河原町).
  1. Take Bus No. 201 and get off at Kyoodai Seimon mae (京大正門前). It takes 20-25 minutes.
  2. Take Bus No. 17 get off at Hyakumanben (百万遍). It takes 20-25 minutes.
  • From Keihan Demachiyanagi station (京阪出町柳) or Keihan Jingu Marutamachi station(神宮丸太町)
  1. You can reach the conference venue in 15-20 minutes on foot.
  • From Kansai International Airport (関西空港)
  1. The easiest way to go to your hotel in Kyoto is to use a shared taxi. Please visit MK Taxi website for details.
  2. Instead, we recommend you to take a direct limousine bus service (2500 JPY one way; 4000 JPY round trip within 2 weeks) or an express train service (3000 JPY one way) between KIX and Kyoto.

Campus map

Please see here.

Our main conference venue will be at the 3rd floor of the building number 86 (Academic Centre Building, North Wing [if you see Japanese, please click "the English" button on the upper right of the page]) in the map above.