Older Information

Important dates

10th 17th April 2018: Deadline for submission of abstracts

10th 17th April 2018: Deadline for pre-registration

22nd April 2018: Notification of acceptance of paper and workshop with the lowest registration fee

10th July 2018: Deadline for submission of full-paper with a basic registration fee

20th July 2018: Deadline for the payment of an increased registration fee

4th September 2018: Deadline for payment of the conference dinner via PayPal.

10th September 2018: Deadline for submission of full-paper with an increased registration fee

Conference dinner

We are planning to hold a conference dinner in the evening of the 2nd day of the conference (2018-09-27) . If you are interested in participating, please contact to icstll51@gmail.com before 2018-09-04.

    • Date: 2018-09-27, 18:00-20:00
    • Venue: International Hall, 2nd floor of the Clock Tower, Kyoto University
    • Fee: 5000 JPY per person (once paid, not refundable)

Welcome drink service

Welcome drink will be served at Cafe Camphora, just in front of the Clock Tower, from 17:00 to 19:00. Presenters are invited.

    • Date: 2018-09-25, 17:00-19:00
    • Venue: Cafe Camphora
    • Fee: Free for presenters

Call for papers (Closed: 2018-07-20)

We invite submission of abstracts for papers covering any aspect of language and linguistics specifically related to Sino-Tibetan languages. This encompasses descriptions of phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, discourse studies, semantics, pragmatics, language documentation, language typology, field reports of recently researched languages, as well as the consequences of contact with languages belonging to other linguistic families.

Abstracts should be single-spaced, no longer than 500 words (exclusive of data and references, if any) in a 12-point, unicode-compliant font, with 2.5cm margins all sides, and should be written in English. Authors should take care to remove self-identifying references so that the abstract may be properly reviewed. Abstracts should be submitted online in pdf format using Easychair.

For papers, 20 minutes for talks and 10 minutes for questions and discussion.

For posters, the size should be A0 (portrait).

You have two options for the language you use in the presentation:

  • English presentation with English paper
  • Japanese presentation with English paper

Please specify the type of presentation (oral or poster) and the language you speak (English or Japanese) in your oral presentation by putting ``Oral (E)'', ``Oral (J)'' or ``Poster'' in the first line of your abstract. In case nothing is indicated, we will deal with it as an oral presentation in English.

The deadline for abstract submission is 10th September 2018, 13:00 JST for those who do not need an invitation letter and can afford an increased registration fee.

We are also accepting applications for pre-conference workshops. Please send a summary of the topic and suggested participants as well as the proposed duration (upto 3 hours) to icstll51@gmail.com by 10th July 2018, 13:00 JST.

Registration fee (Closed 2018-07-20)

(Deadline for payment: 15th July 2018, 13:00 JST for those who will pay 3000 JPY; 20th July, 13:00 JST for those who will pay 10000 JPY)

Free for those who do not present a paper

  1. The registration fee can be paid only through PayPal: 3000 JPY (3000円) for those who have submitted an abstract before 17th April 2018; 10000 JPY for those who have submitted an abstract after then and do not need an invitation letter.
    • The fee is applicable for one presentation. If you wish to make two presentations, please pay the double fees. If three, the triple fees and so forth.
  2. An invoice of the registration fee should be sent diretly to you through PayPal. It should be paid before 20th July 2018, 13:00 JST. If you fail to pay by the due date, you will lose the opportunity to make your presentation.
    • Those who need an invitation letter, please pay before 15th July 2018. After that, we will not issue an invitation letter.
    • After 20th July, the registration fee will be 10000 JPY even if you have submitted an abstract before 17th April 2018, and we will not issue an invitation letter.
    • Even if you will submit a paper just before the last deadline (10th September), you are requested to first pay the registration fee before 20th July.
  3. The registration fee does not include meals.
  4. The registration fee is applicable only for presenters.
    • If you wish to make more than one presentation, you will be asked to pay the double or triple fees depending on the number of presentations you make.
    • For co-presenters, no fee is required.
    • For workshops, no fee is required.
  5. Once paid, the registration fee will not be refunded for any reason. (It might be refunded only in case the conference itself is cancelled or postponed due to natural disaster and the like.)
  6. The registration fee is not required for non-presenters.

Submission of full paper

(Deadline: 10th September 2018, 13:00 JST)

To enhance the contents of discussion in the conference, you are kindly requested to submit a full paper in advance by e-mail to icstll51@gmail.com.

  1. Please include your name.
  2. No page-limitation (for posters, it should be A0 (portrait) size).
  3. For oral presentations, please submit a full paper or a printed version of powerpoint/beamerslide .
  4. For poster presentations, please submit a poster.
  5. Please submit PDF file with necessary fonts embedded. We do not accept MS-word files.
  6. Please submit PDF file without page numbers.

All the papers will be uploaded to the Dropbox storage of the conference linked to this web page. They will also be available at the academic repository of Kyoto University in the future.

The deadline for full-paper submission is 10th July 2018, 13:00 JST.

Even after 10th July 2018, 13:00 JST, it is still possible to submit a full paper. However, in that case, you will be asked to pay an increased registration fee.


  1. In case you fail to submit the full paper by the due date, you will lose the opportunity for presentation.
  2. Once submitted, the paper will be uploaded as it is. In case you wish to revise the paper, please do it in your own website (such as in Academia.edu). We do not replace the subimitted version on our website.

Important notice (updated 2018-08-19)

  1. We have decided not to ask any registration fee for co-authors.
  2. No registration nor registration-fee for audiences.
  3. Please submit your full paper in a PDF format directly to icstll51@gmail.com. At the same time, please submit your revised abstract directly to icstll51@gmail.com, if needed. Otherwise, we will use the first submitted one.
  4. If you do not want your paper cited without prior permission, please indicate so.
  5. To pay the registration fee, please first contact icstll51@gmail.com. Then, we will send you an invoice via PayPal.
  6. Our conference venue has been changed from Yoshida Main Campus to Yoshida-South Campus, 5 minutes walk from the original conference venue. It will not affect most of you who will stay in the city centre. You can take a bus No. 201 and drop off at the bus stop Kyodai Seimon Mae (京大正門前; Kyoto University).
  7. The conference dinner will be held at the 2nd floor of the Clock Tower, Kyoto University on 27th Sep. 2018 from 18:00 to 20:00. The dinner fee is 5000 JPY per person. Interested participants are requested to contact to icstll51@gmail.com for the invoice.

Attention! Kansai International Airport Shutdown (2018-09-06)

As you may know, a strong typhoon hit the Kansai International Airport (KIX) last Tuesday (2018-09-04).

As the result, the airport has been shut down.

Followings are our decision, suggestion, and request:

  1. The conference will be held as scheduled.
  2. The Kansai International Airport (KIX) is now closed. According to the authority, they are trying to resume it after one week (2018-09-12). However, even if it will open again, and in fact, we do not know when it will really open again, you must face various kinds of difficulties to reach, stay and go out the airport. Thus, we recommend you to reschedule your flight, if possible.
    • Suggested rootes are below:
    1. Option1. Change from KIX to Chubu (Nagoya) :
      • From Chubu Airport to Kyoto, first take a local train to Nagoya Terminal (1hour, 900 JPY), then from Nagoya Terminal take a Super Express Train (Shinkansen) (1hour, 5000JPY).
    2. Option2. Change from KIX to Haneda (Tokyo):
      • From Haneda Airport to Kyoto, first take a local train to Shinagawa Terminal (20 minutes, 500 JPY), then from Shinagawa Terminal take a Super Express Train (Shinkansen) (2hours, 13000 JPY)
    3. Option3-1. Change from KIX to Narita (Tokyo):
      • From Narita Airport to Kyoto, first take another airplane to Itami airport (100 minutes, 15000 to 30000 JPY, depending on the carrier), then from Itami airport take a direct bus or a shared taxi (1hour, 1500-2500 JPY) or take a local train (2hours, 1000 JPY).
    4. Option3-2. Change from KIX to Narita (Tokyo):
      • From Narita Airport to Kyoto, first take an express train to Tokyo Terminal (1 hour, 3000 JPY), then from Tokyo Terminal take a Super Express Train (Shinkansen) (2hours, 1300 JPY).
  3. If you want to cancel the conference, we will refund the registration fee and the dinner fee. Please tell your decision as soon as possible.