
1. Before you fill in the registration form (see below) we advise you to read the information about

You will need this information to register. Registration is possible from December 2019 until February 15, 2020.

2. Besides registration, you will need to send in your abstract and paper using the submission form for abstracts and papers before February 15.

Sleeping facilities: Within the venue there are sleeping facilities, and we expect everyone to stay and fully embrace the experience of sharing a week with other scientists within your research field. You will share a room with someone of the same gender, or with someone of your preference. When registering, you will automatically reserve your room for the duration of your stay. If you have special needs or requests about the sleeping facilities, room sharing, or the meals, let us know in your registration form, or contact us before registration. In special circumstances we can offer single rooms. Please contact us in advance about these circumstances and availability.

Be aware that there is a limited amount of PhD candidates that can participate in the ICO International Spring School.