Postgraduate Bursaries

We are pleased to be able to offer up to 18 registration fee bursaries, thanks to the generosity of ICMAC, the Canon Law Society of Great Britain and Ireland, and Anne Curry, Professor Emerita of Medieval History at the University of Southampton.

The Directors and Advisory Board of ICMAC would like to invite applications for up to 18 Registration-Fee Bursary grants for the 17th International Congress of Medieval Canon Law to be held in Canterbury 7-13 July 2024. The grants which are chiefly aimed at graduate students who do not have access to institutional funding from a home university will cover the reduced full conference registration fee of £150.00. Regrettably we are not able to assist with other expenses.  

Applications should be submitted via email to Dr K.G. Cushing, President of ICMAC at no later than 12-noon GMT on 8 April 2024 and should include the following information (as ONE attachment in pdf form): Name, University affiliation  and supervisor(s),  contact details including email address, the title of the accepted paper (or poster) to be presented and a short statement (not more than 500 words) making the case for support. The Directors will be especially interested in hearing about what benefit applicants anticipate deriving from attendance at the Congress. Applicants are also asked to state information about other applications for funding that they are making to their home university or other body to support attendance at the Congress. The application should be no more than TWO pages.

Candidates will be informed of the outcome of their applications no later than 15 April 2024. N.B. Please note that all applicants must be presenting a paper or poster at the Congress. Because funds are limited, preference may be given to applicants who have not previously received support from ICMAC to attend a Congress.