Congress Programme


(CANTERBURY, UK, 7-13 JULY 2024)

A printed copy of the programme will be provided in your conference welcome pack. Please click here to download a PDF version of the programme. 


Please see here for a list of corrigenda.


Sunday (7 July, Feast of the Translation of St Thomas of Canterbury):


15.30-16.30: Ecumenical Service of Welcome and Commemoration of Deceased Historians of Medieval Canon Law (Canterbury Cathedral Quire)


17.30-18.30: Optional participation in Cathedral Evensong to celebrate the Feast of the Translation of St Thomas of Canterbury (including a solemn procession to the shrine).


19.30: Opening Reception at the University of Kent, Sibson Building (sponsored by ICMAC)




N.B. The language of the papers below is the same as the language of their titles unless otherwise indicated.



Monday (8 July):  Canterbury Cathedral Conference Suite


Alongside the sessions there will be group visits to the congress exhibition at the Cathedral Archives at 10.00, 11.00, 12.00, 13.00, 14.00 and 15.00.



9-10: Plenary Lecture (Claggett Auditorium)


David d’Avray, Jesus College, Oxford, UK. 

‘Medieval Canon Law in a Comparative Perspective’


Moderator: Peter Clarke, University of Southampton, UK.



10-10.30: Coffee break



10.30-12.00: Sessions I


Session 1: Canon Law and Canterbury


Room: Kentish Barn (DJS Room)


Moderator: Peter Clarke, University of Southampton, UK.


Speakers 1a: Emanuele Conte and Louis Genton, Università Roma Tre, Italy

‘A cause célèbre in the 12th century. Monks, archbishops, and power strategies in Canterbury’


Speaker 1b: Charles Donahue Jr, Harvard Law School, USA

‘Hubert Walter as a Lawyer’

Speaker 1c: Andrea Hugill, University of Toronto, Canada

‘Canterbury and the Centrality of Salisbury Cathedral’



Session 2: Canon Law in the Tenth Century


Room: Kentish Barn (Canterbury Room)


Moderator: Edward Roberts, University of Kent, UK.


Speaker 2a: Katy Cubitt, University of East Anglia, UK.

‘Archbishop Wulfstan II of York (d. 1023) and the “Customs of the Eastern Provinces of Germany and Saxonia”: East Frankish canon law in tenth-century England?’


Speaker 2b: Abner Chacon, Saint Louis University, USA.

‘Reform, Pastoral Care, and Canon Law in the Works of Atto, Bishop of Vercelli’


Speaker 2c: Ingrid Ivarsen, Emmanuel College, Cambridge, UK.

‘Canon law and worldly law in tenth-century Canterbury manuscripts’



Session 3: Proctors and Representatives


Room: Claggett Auditorium Balcony


Moderator and Respondent: Barbara Bombi, University of Kent, UK.


Speaker 3a: Nicholas Vincent, University of East Anglia, UK [Invited Keynote Speaker]

‘History, Heresy and Humour in the Career of Master Stefano da San Giorgio (d. 1290)’


Speaker 3b: Patrick Zutshi, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, UK.

‘The proctor's mandate: constitution 37 of the Fourth Lateran Council reconsidered’


12-13.30: Lunch - Free (list of cafés in central Canterbury to be provided).




13.30-15.00: Sessions II



Session 4: IUS ILLUMINATUM for the Study, Digitization, and Description of Illuminated Manuscripts and Printed Books of Canon Law in Medieval Europe (13th-15th Century)


Room: Kentish Barn (DJS Room)


Organiser: Maria Alessandra Bilotta, Instituto de Estudos Medievais, Portugal.


Moderator: Barbara Bombi, University of Kent, UK.


Speaker 4a: Maria Alessandra Bilotta.

‘Historical-artistic research into Illuminated Manuscripts of Canon Law in Medieval Europe (13th-15th Century): Open Problems, Goals Achieved, Future Research Paths’


Speaker 4b: Maria Alessandra Panzanelli Fratoni, Università di Torino, Italy.

‘Canon Law from Manuscript to Print. For a Fully Integrated Approach to the Study of Texts, Apparatuses, and Illustrations through the Platform IVS Commune online


Speaker 4c: Camilla Marangoni, Università di Torino-Sapienza Università di Roma, Italy.

‘Exploring the iconography of canon law: a project to expand the Iconclass classification system.’



Session 5: Eleventh-century Councils


Room: Kentish Barn (Canterbury Room)


Moderator: Anders Winroth, University of Oslo, Norway.


Speaker 5a: Robert Somerville, Columbia University, USA.

‘Bruno, Odo, and JL 5760 (C. 19, q. 2 c. 2)’


Speaker 5b: Kathleen Cushing, Keele University, UK.

‘Negotiating Law in tenth- and eleventh-century Church councils’


Speaker 5c: Steven Schoenig, Saint Louis University, USA.

‘A Lost Canon and Views of Roman Law in the Collectio Britannica



Session 6: Texts and Learning, I


Room: Claggett Auditorium Balcony


Moderator: Franck Roumy, Université Paris II Panthéon-Assas, France.


Speaker 6a: Frédérique Cahu, Centre Chastel, France.

‘Montpellier: centre de production et de diffusion du Liber Extra au XIIIe siècle’


Speaker 6b: Clarisse Siméant, Université Paris-Saclay, France.

‘L’Alphabetum juris canonici d’Albéric de Rosate’


Speaker 6c: Vid Žepič, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia.

‘Summa Monaldina’ [in English]



15-15.30: Coffee break










15.30-17.30: Sessions III


Session 7: Canon Law Networks


Room: Kentish Barn (DJS Room)


Moderator: Anne Duggan, King’s College London, UK


Speaker 7a: Lari Ahokas, University of Helsinki, Finland.

‘Canons and Networks of Texts in Text Collections of the Eleventh and Twelfth Centuries’


Speaker 7b: Martin Rehak, Ludwig-Maximilian University, Munich, Germany.

‘References to England in the Summae of Magister Honorius of Kent’


Speaker 7c: Niels Becker, Ludwig-Maximilian University, Munich, Germany.

‘E duobus unum: The transmission of the Summa Quaestionum of Honorius of Kent in the manuscripts Douai, BM 640 and 649’


Speaker 7d: Paweł Dziwiński, Independent Scholar, Poland.

‘Thomas Becket and Stanislaus of Szczepanów. The Use of Martyrdom Narratives in the Exercise of Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction in Poland’



Session 8: Sacrilege in canon law and political thinking


Room: Kentish Barn (Canterbury Room).


Organiser: Arnaud Fossier, Université de Bourgogne, France.


Moderator: Sara McDougall, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, CUNY, USA.


Speaker 8a: Arnaud Fossier.

‘Lèse-majesté, sacrilege and reserved cases to the Pope’


Speaker 8b: [WITHDRAWN]


Speaker 8c: Anthony Perron, Loyola Marymount University (Los Angeles), USA.

‘Sacrilege and clerical privilege. The jurisprudence of Stephen of Tournai’



Session 9: Heresy and Inquisition


Room: Claggett Auditorium Balcony.


Moderator: John Arnold, University of Cambridge / Kings College, Cambridge, UK.’


Speaker 9a: Thibault Joubert, Université de Strasbourg, France.

‘La tradition canonique dans le De præscriptione hæreticorum de Tertullien’


Speaker 9b: Asami Kobayashi, Shujitsu University, Okayama, Japan.

‘Die Häresie und die Inquisition in den päpstlichen Dekretalen’

Speaker 9c: Maria Cives, Pontificia Università Urbaniana, Rome, Italy.

‘Causa 26: magic, penance, and papal authority in the two recensions of Gratian’s Decretum’


Speaker 9d: Matteo Carmine Fiocca, Università ‘La Sapienza’, Rome, Italy.

‘The Tractatus de fide catholica of Franciscus, bishop of Squillace (1474)’



17.30-18.30: Optional participation in Cathedral Evensong.



Dinner: Free (list of restaurants in central Canterbury to be provided)




Tuesday (9 July): Cathedral Conference Suite


Alongside the sessions there will be group visits to the congress exhibition at the Cathedral Archives at 10.00, 11.00, 12.00, 13.00, 14.00 and 15.00.



9-10: Plenary Lecture (Claggett Auditorium)


Ludger Körntgen, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, Germany.

‘Early Medieval Penitentials and Early Medieval Canon Law: an Intricate Relation’


Moderator: Edward Roberts, University of Kent, UK.


10-10.30: Coffee break



10.30-12.00: Sessions IV


Session 10: Harmony and Discord: Canon Law and Secular Law in Twelfth-Century Europe


Room: Kentish Barn (DJS Room).


Organiser: Sarah White, University of Nottingham, UK.


Session Sponsor: History of Law and Governance Centre, University of Nottingham, UK.


Moderator: Emanuele Conte, Università Roma Tre, Italy.


Speaker 10a: David De Concilio, University of Padua, Italy.

‘Canon Law and Commercial Law: The Ecclesiastical Stance on Just Price in the Thirteenth Century’


Speaker 10b: Attilio Stella, University of Verona, Italy.

‘Feudal customs and learned law: interactions, borrowings, and appropriations in the thirteenth century.’


Speakers 10c and 10d: Sarah White and Will Eves, University of Nottingham, UK.

‘Secular Decretals or a sui generis collection? Examining the “Seneschal Material” in “Part One” of the Très ancien coutumier of Normandy’ (joint presentation in two parts).



Session 11: Consent. Between individual responsibility and hierarchical authority (12th-15th century)


Room: Kentish Barn (Canterbury Room)


Organiser: Corinne Leveleux-Teixeira, École Pratique des Hautes Etudes (Paris), University of Orléans, France.


Moderator: Raphaël Eckert, University of Strasbourg, France.


Speaker 11a: Corinne Leveleux-Teixeira.

‘Consenting to heresy. An analysis between theory and practice (12th-14th centuries)’


Speaker 11b: Véronique Beaulande-Barraud, University of Grenoble Alps, France.

‘Consentement et autorité épiscopale dans les statuts synodaux des XIIIe-XIVe siècles’


Speaker 11c: Christine Barralis, University of Lorraine, CRULH, France.

‘Consent and metropolitan authority in a 15th-century treatise on provincial councils’



Session 12: Confession and Pastoral Care


Room: Claggett Auditorium Balcony


Moderator: Danica Summerlin, University of Sheffield, UK


Speaker 12a: Melodie Eichbauer, Florida Gulf Coast University, USA.

‘Profit versus Profiteering: The Ethical and Legal Consideration of Greed in Summa confessorum’


Speaker 12b: Emily Corran, University College London, UK.

‘William of Rennes and the transformation of thirteenth century casuistry’


Speaker 12c: Daniela Tarantino, Università di Genova, Italy.

‘From reconciliation to healing. Some reflections on the confessor as curatus medicus animarum in moral theology and canon law since the Fourth Lateran Council’ [in Italian]



12-13.30: Lunch break – Free (list of cafes in central Canterbury to be provided)


12-13.30: Private Meeting - Editorial Board of the Bulletin of Medieval Canon Law (Claggett Auditorium Balcony).





13.30-15.00: Sessions V


Session 13: Episcopal and Papal Authority


Room: Kentish Barn (DJS Room)


Moderator: Bruce Brasington, West Texas A&M University, USA.


Speaker 13a: Matthias Simperl, University of Augsburg, Germany.

‘Perceptions of Canon law and its making in the early Roman Liber pontificalis’


Speaker 13b: Benoît Alix, Institut d’Histoire du droit Jean Gaudemet, Université Paris-Panthéon-Assis, France.

Gratia non dat licentiam deliquandi. La juridiction épiscopale à l’épreuve de l’exemption (XIIe-XIIIe siècle)’


Speaker 13c: Fabrice Delivré, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, France.

‘Johannes Andreae on Episcopal Election: Legal Thought, Teaching and Practice’ 



Session 14: Carolingian Canon Law


Room: Kentish Barn (Canterbury Room)


Moderator: Edward Roberts, University of Kent, UK.


Speaker 14a: Sven Meeder, Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherlands.

‘Canonical clusters and social norms in Carolingian collections’


Speaker 14b: Abigail Firey, University of Kentucky, USA.

‘Bridging the Pyrenees? The transmission of Iberian canon law in Carolingian Francia’


Speaker 14c: Kristina Mitalaité, Lithuanian Culture Research Institute, Vilnius, Lithuania.

‘Quelques traces des polémiques carolingiennes dans les “Fausses décrétales” du Pseudo-Isidore’




Session 15: Papal rulings and canon law


Room: Claggett Auditorium Balcony.


Moderator: David d’Avray, Jesus College, Oxford, UK..


Speaker 15a: Till Stüber, Institut für Mittelalterforschung, Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Vienna, Austria.

Ad transmarina autem qui putaverit appellandum ...: The North African Prohibition of Appeals to Rome and its Reception in Medieval Canon Law’


Speaker 15b: Anne Duggan, King’s College London, UK.

‘Making Law or Not? The Function of Papal Decretals Reconsidered’

Speaker 15c: Vojtech Vladár, Institute of Canon Law, Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia.

Stylus Romanae curiae in Medieval Canon Law’



15-15.30: Coffee break



15.30-17.00: Sessions VI


Session 16: International Law


Room: Kentish Barn (DJS Room).


Moderator and Respondent: Dante Fedele, CNRS-Université de Lille, France.


Speaker 16a: Orazio Condorelli, Università di Catania, Italy [Invited Keynote Speaker].

‘Fede, patti, pace e commercio. Variabili e dinamiche del ius gentium nella societas christiana, fra tardo medioevo e prima età moderna’


Speaker 16b: Christian Zendri, University of Trento, Italy.

‘The Antichrist's Law. The Role of Canon Law in the Construction of International Law. Alberico Gentili's De iure belli libri III (1598)’



Session 17: Canon Law in East Francia


Room: Kentish Barn (Canterbury Room).


Moderator: Christof Rolker, Universität Bamberg, Germany.


Speaker 17a: Lotte Kéry, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, Germany.

‘Eid und Meineid im Decretum Burchardi und in den Capitula episcoporum


Speaker 17b: [WITHDRAWN]


Speaker 17c: Paul Oberholzer, Pontificia Università Gregoriana, Rome, Italy.

‘Veränderungen in den Eigenkirchen des Klosters St. Gallen infolge der Kirchenreform Ludwigs des Frommen’



Session 18: Texts and Manuscripts in the Age of Gratian and Beyond


Room: Claggett Auditorium Balcony.


Moderator: Anders Winroth, University of Oslo, Norway.


Speaker 18a: François-Régis Ducros, Université Paris-Saclay, France.

Canones autem generalium conciliorum a temporibus Constantini coeperunt (Decret., D. 15, c. 1)’ [in French]


Speaker 18b: Paul Evans, University of San Diego, USA.

‘The Vocabulary of Gratian's Decretum: Change Over Time’


Speaker 18c: Gero Dolezalek, University of Aberdeen, Scotland / Universität Leipzig, Germany

‘Palaeographical fashions in commercial production of juridical text books (Survey from before Gratianus 1 and Irnerius up to 1400)’



17.30-18.30: Optional participation in Cathedral Evensong.



18.30-20.00: Reception hosted by Dr Will Adam, Venerable Archdeacon of Canterbury, at Canterbury Cathedral Chapter House and Cloisters.


Wines provided by Press Wine Services (Clive Barlow at the Goods Shed, Canterbury).



18.30-20.0: Poster Session in the Cathedral Chapter House and Cloisters:


Atria Larson, Saint Louis University, USA.

‘Gallery of Glosses: Updates on a Digital Humanities Project Funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities (USA)’


Corinne Leveleux-Teixeira, École Pratique des Hautes Etudes (Paris), University of Orléans, France, and Raphaël Eckert, University of Strasbourg, France.

‘The CiSaMe Project: Circulation of medieval knowledge in the 12th century’


Niels Becker, Ludwig-Maximilian University, Munich, Germany.

‘An edition-in-progress of Honorius of Kent’s Summa Quaestionum


Piotr Alexandrowicz, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland.

‘Paratexts in the early modern printed editions of the Corpus iuris canonici



Dinner: Free (List of restaurants in central Canterbury to be provided)











Wednesday (10 July): University of Kent



9-10: Plenary Lecture (Sibson Lecture Theatre 1)


Mia Korpiola, University of Turku, Finland.

‘Canonical Influences on Medieval Swedish Laws –  New Perspectives’


Moderator: Kathleen Cushing, Keele University, UK.


10-10.30: Coffee break


10.30-12.00: Sessions VII


Session 19: Women and Gender in Medieval Canon Law, 1. Overview of the Questions


Venue: Sibson Seminar Room 6


Organisers: Greta Austin, Department of Religion, University of Puget Sound, USA, and Gisela Drossbach, Universität Augsburg, Germany.


Moderator and Respondent: Gisela Drossbach


Speaker 19a: Christoph Rolker, Universität Bamberg, Germany [Invited Keynote Speaker].

‘Gender Studies in the Middle Ages: Definitions of Sex and Gender in Medieval Law, Theology, and Medicine’


Speaker 19b: Sara McDougall, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, CUNY, USA.

‘On the Margins of Canon Law: Canon Law in a Woman's Life on the Margins in Late Medieval France’



Session 20: Juristic Concepts, 1


Venue: Sibson Seminar Room 4


Moderator: Joaquin Sedano, Universidad de Navarra, Spain.


Speaker 20a: Filippo Forlani, Pontificia Università della Santa Croce, Rome, Italy.

‘La Schiavitù nei canoni conciliari nei sinodi di area franca’


Speaker 20b: Alessandra Bassani, Università di Milano, Italy.

‘Men changed to trees. Slavery in Medieval Canon Law’


Speaker 20c: Bruno Lemesle, Université de Bourgogne, Dijon, France.

‘Procedural innovations in the mid-11th century?’






Session 21: Decretist Literature in the Twelfth Century


Venue: Sibson Seminar Room 1


Moderator: Anders Winroth, University of Oslo, Norway.


Speaker 21a: Anna Sapir Abulafia, University of Oxford, UK.

‘Jews in the late twelfth-century Anglo-Norman Gloss of the Decretum (Cambridge, Gonville and Caius College, MS 283/676)’


Speaker 21b: Bruce Brasington, West Texas A&M University, USA.

Qui multum emungit: A Canonistic Notabilia in Zwettl, Stiftsbibliothek 162’


Speaker 21c: Dario Binotto, University of Zurich, Switzerland.

‘Notes and Reportationes from the Classroom? A Study on Pencil Glosses in Manuscripts of the Decretum Gratiani’



Session 22: Canon Law in Theory and Practice


Venue: Sibson Seminar Room 5


Moderator: Arnaud Fossier, Université de Bourgogne, France.


Speaker 22a: Élisabeth Lusset, Laboratoire de médiévistique occidentale de Paris, CNRS / Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, France.

‘Petitioning both the Pope and the King of France. A comparative study of letters of pardon (15th century)’


Speaker 22b: Harry Dondorp, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Iura ecclesiastica and ecclesiastical rights’


Speaker 22c: Philipp Lenz, Stiftsbibliothek St. Gallen, Switzerland.

‘The Audacious Plan of Transferring the Monastery of Saint Gall in the 1480s: A legal treatise and its context.’



Session 23: Canon law and the lay experience of pastoral reform, 12th-13th centuries


Venue: Sibson Seminar Room 2


Organiser: Felicity Hill, University of St Andrews, UK.


Moderator: Emily Corran, University College London, UK.


Speaker 23a: John Arnold, University of Cambridge / King’s College Cambridge, UK.

‘Firmiter credimus: Canon Law and the Dynamics of Lay Belief’


Speaker 23b: Patrick Cowley, University of Cambridge, UK.

‘The Preaching and Penitential of Bartholomew, bishop of Exeter (d.1184)’


Speaker 23c: Felicity Hill

‘Beyond belief: practical knowledge and pastoral care in thirteenth-century England and France’



Session 24: Canon Law in the Age of Reformations, 1


Venue: Sibson Seminar Room 3


Moderator and Respondent: Peter Clarke, University of Southampton, UK


Speaker 24a: William Adam, Canterbury Cathedral Chapter, UK [Invited Keynote Speaker].

‘Business as usual – the continuation of the granting of dispensations in England after the Ecclesiastical Licences Act 1533’


Speaker 24b: Piotr Alexandrowicz, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland.

‘The Dark Age of Canon Law?’



12-13.30: Lunch (included in Registration Fee)


12-13.30: Private Meeting – Board of Directors of the Stephan Kuttner Institute of Medieval Canon Law (Sibson Seminar Room 7)



13.30-15.00: Sessions IX


Session 25: Women and Gender in Medieval Canon Law, 2. Women in Normative Texts


Venue: Sibson Seminar Room 6


Organisers: Greta Austin, Department of Religion, University of Puget Sound, USA, and Gisela Drossbach, Universität Augsburg, Germany.


Moderator: Gisela Drossbach


Speaker 25a: Amélie Sagasser, German Historical Institute Paris, France / Universität Bamberg, Germany.

‘Jewish women in medieval canon law (1000-1290)’


Speaker 25b: Susan L’Engle, Saint Louis University, USA.

‘Visions of Women in Medieval Society: Visual Evidence from Illuminators and Law Students in Canon and Roman Law Manuscripts’


Speaker 25c: Anders Winroth, Universitetet i Oslo, Norway.

‘Female Monastic Leaders and the Canon Law’



Session 26: Ecclesiastical Elections


Venue: Sibson Seminar Room 3


Moderator: Fabrice Delivré, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, France.


Speaker 26a: Cătălin Rusu, Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.

‘Examining the Esztergom election dispute from Bonae memoriae II (X. I. 5. 4.) through the lens of 13th-century glossators’


Speaker 26b: Tina Lesley Jessica Holt, University of Lincoln, UK.

‘Canon Law and Ecclesiastical Elections: The Application of Canon Law in the Diocese of Lincoln during the Episcopate of Thomas Bek, Bishop of Lincoln (1342-1347)’


Speaker 26c: Lucia de Lorenzo, Fondazione per le Scienze Religiose, Bologna, Italy.

‘Two treatises de electione. The election of bishops according to Henry of Susa and Lawrence of Somercote’



Session 27: Scandinavia and Northern Europe


Venue: Sibson Seminar Room 5


Moderator: Mia Korpiola, University of Turku, Finland.


Speaker 27a: Mari-Liis Neubauer, University of Reading, UK.

‘From Pagan to Christian: The Canon Law of Baptism in Livonia’


Speaker 27b: Miriam Tveit, Nord University, Norway.

‘Christian laws and “anti-laws”. Introduction of canon law as political argument in medieval Norway’


Speaker 27c: Dillon Knackstedt, Saint Louis University, USA.

‘Mending Norway’s Christian Laws: A New Answer to the Thirteenth-Century Demise of Christian Law’



Session 28: Canon Law in the Age of Reformations, 2


Venue: Sibson Seminar Room 1


Moderator: William Adam, Canterbury Cathedral Chapter, UK.


Speaker 28a: Olivier Spina, Université Lumière Lyon 2 / Laboratoire de Recherche Historique Rhône-Alpes, France.

‘Is it treason to submit to the laws of the Church in Henry VIII’s England? The denunciations by John Musard (St Mary’s Worcester, 1535-1536)’


Speaker 28b: Ana Luiza Ferreira Gomes Silva, Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium.

‘From Thomas Becket to the Iconoclast Fury: violence and spiritual reparation of churches in the works and lectures of Petrus Peckius (1529-89)’


Speaker 28c: Mathias Schmoeckel, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, Germany.

‘Getting research on Canon law started: The Role of the French Reformation’



Session 29: Papal Government and Canon Law


Venue: Sibson Seminar Room 4


Moderator: Barbara Bombi


Speaker 29a: Dante Fedele, CNRS-Université de Lille, France.

‘The papal arbitration of 1421 between Poland-Lithuania and the Teutonic Order’


Speaker 29b: Jesse Harrington, Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, Ireland.

‘The Exercise of Papal Legation in Medieval Ireland: Experiments, Norms, and Practice, 11-13th Centuries’


Speaker 29c: Léa Mellouki, Paris-Panthéon-Assas University, France.

‘The struggle against violence towards nuncios in French and German conciliar and synodal legislation (13th-14th c.)’



Session 30: England and Scotland


Room: Sibson Seminar Room 2


Moderator: Jason Taliadoros, Deakin University, Australia.


Speaker 30a: Matthew Cleary, Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law, Heidelberg, Germany.

‘Legitim and Implied Revocation in English Testamentary Law, c.1300-1550’


Speaker 30b: Édouard Martin, Université Catholique de l’Ouest, Nantes, France.

‘King John (1199-1216), Canon Law and the Deposition of Rulers’


Speaker 30c: Jenny McHugh, Lancaster University, UK.

‘Loyalty, faith and service: how was loyalty conceptualised in Scottish oaths of allegiance c.1296 to 1445?’



15-15.30: Coffee break










15.30-17.30: Sessions X


Session 31: Women and Gender in Medieval Canon Law, 3. Women as Legal Actors in Medieval Canon Law


Venue: Sibson Seminar Room 6


Organisers: Greta Austin, Department of Religion, University of Puget Sound, USA, and Gisela Drossbach, Universität Augsburg, Germany.


Moderator: Gisela Drossbach


Speaker 31a: Rachel Stone, King’s College London, UK.

‘Inferior by sex but equal by profession: Carolingian canon law versus a rebel nun’


Speaker 31b: Elizabeth Papp Kamali, Harvard Law School, USA.

‘Consent in Medieval English Marriage and Misconduct’


Speaker 31c: Carolina Gual Silva, Universidade Federal Rural de Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

‘Gender Relations in Canon Law Texts from the 12th and 13th Centuries: building relations between men and women’


Speaker 31d: Rosalba Sorice, Università di Catania, Italy.

‘Pro honoris sui tutela, alium occidit.  Alle radici delle repressive practices dei delitti di genere’



Session 32: The Latin East and Crusades


Venue: Sibson Seminar Room 5


Moderator: Barbara Bombi


Speaker 32a: Alessandro Scalone, Royal Holloway, University of London, UK.

‘Innocent IV: the experience of the missions and the crusade in the plenitudio potestatis in the papal and juristic activity (1243-1254)’


Speaker 32b: Jennifer Pearce, Nottingham Trent University, UK.

‘Canon Law and Religious Minorities in the Latin East (1099-1350)’


Speaker 32c: [WITHDRAWN]


Speaker 32d: Luigi Gennaro, Università degli Studi “Magna Græcia” di Catanzaro, Italy.

‘La Calabria e la Terra Santa in un raro privilegio del vescovo Arnulfo di Cosenza’



Session 33: Courts and Delegated Authority


Venue: Sibson Seminar Room 2


Moderator: Patrick Zutshi, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, UK.


Speaker 33a: Robert Swanson, University of Birmingham, UK / Shaanxi Normal University, Xi’an, China.

‘“Ego, … procurator, et procuratorie …, dico  …”: the casebook of Walter de Eston, proctor in the Court of Arches in the later fourteenth century’


Speaker 33b: Mark Bateson, Kent Archives Service, UK.

‘Beyond its heyday? Some thoughts on papal delegated jurisdiction in the late thirteenth century and early fourteenth century’


Speaker 33c: Yves Mausen, University of Fribourg, Switzerland.

Causae favorabiles and personae miserabiles, from the ordines iudiciarii to the Year Books



Session 34: Researching Medieval Canon Law in the 19th Century: Persons, Works, Methods


Venue: Sibson Seminar Room 3


Organisers: Stephan Dusil, Universität Tübingen, Germany, and Raphaël Eckert, Université de Strasbourg, France.


Moderator: Stephan Dusil.


Speaker 34a: Georg Baumann, Universität Tübingen, Germany.

‘Paul Fournier. Researching Medieval Canon Law in France around 1900’ [in German]


Speaker 34b: Raphaël Eckert.

‘Adolphe Tardif (1824 – 1890). The Origins of the Teaching of the History of Canon Law in 19th Century France’


Speaker 34c: Hannah Heidenreich, Universität Tübingen, Germany.

‘Friedrich Maassen: a bio-bibliographical approach’ [in German]


Speaker 34d: Stephan Dusil

‘Between Politics and Early Medieval Law: Hermann Wasserschleben’



Session 35: Burchard's Decretum - Production and Reception of canonical knowledge


Venue: Sibson Seminar Room 4


Organiser: Ingrid Baumgärtner, Academy Project ‘Burchards Dekret Digital’, Universität Kassel, Germany.


Moderator: Ingrid Baumgärtner.


Speaker 35a: Elena Vanelli, Universität Kassel, Germany.

‘Law as Diagram: Consanguinity in Burchard’s Decretum’


Speaker 35b: Cornelia Scherer, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany.

‘Educational Texts: Passages from the Works of Isidore of Seville in the Decretum Burchardi’


Speaker 35c: Daniel Gneckow, Universität Kassel, Germany.

‘Burchard’s Decretum in Italy: Manuscript Families and Scribal Interventions’


Speaker 35d: [WITHDRAWN]



Session 36: Conciliarism


Venue: Sibson Seminar Room 1


Moderator and Respondent: Kenneth Pennington, Catholic University of America, Washington DC, USA.


Speaker 36a: Joseph Canning, Queens College Cambridge, UK [Invited Keynote Speaker].

‘The Legacy of Conciliarism in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries: Consent and Representation’


Speaker 36b: Gabriele Bonomelli, University of Kent, UK.

‘The ecclesiology of the Great Schism through the lenses of fiction and satire: a new outlook on heresy, perjury, and the right to try the pontiff.’




18.00-19.00: Public Lecture (Sibson Lecture Theatre 3)


Kenneth Pennington, The Catholic University of America, Washington DC, USA.

‘The Tyranny of Law: Summum ius, summa iniuria’


Moderator: Melodie Eichbauer, Florida Gulf Coast University, USA.


19.30: BBQ Dinner – University of Kent, Sibson Building (ticket included in registration fee)




Thursday (11 July): Excursion to East Kent


Each participant booked on the excursion will need to sign up at registration for themselves and any booked guests to travel in one of three 53-seater coaches (Coach A, Coach B, and Coach C, all provided by DJ Coaches of Gravesend). Each coach goes to the same historic sites but in a different order as only one coach can be admitted each hour on the half hour to Dover Castle: Coach A - 11.30; Coach B - 12.30; Coach C - 1.30. You will be provided with an itinerary for the specific coach you sign up for, and you must travel with that coach for the whole excursion. We will check each person on and off their coach at each destination.  


Departure, University of Kent (9.00 - Coaches A and B; 10.00 - Coach C)


Morning visits will comprise: Reculver Church and Roman Fort; Temple Church, Dover; and Dover Castle. The order and timings of the visits will vary according to which coach you are travelling on.


Reculver and Dover Temple Church are open access sites, but Dover Castle (managed by English Heritage) has controlled and paid entry (the excursion fee includes the admission charge but not lunch, which you can buy at the Castle café)


16.00-17.00: Bishopsbourne Parish Church, including memorial to its rector Richard Hooker


Excursion Lecture: Norman Doe, University of Cardiff, UK

‘Richard Hooker (1554-1600) – Canonist and Civilian’


Moderator: William Adam, Canterbury Cathedral Chapter, UK.


17.30-19.30: Coaches A and B go to ‘The Black Robin Inn’ at Kingston and Coach C to ‘The King’s Arms’ Pub at Elham for a buffet supper (included in the excursion fee along with your first drink, either beer, wine or a non-alcoholic drink). Coaches then return to the university.



Friday (12 July): University of Kent


9-10: Plenary Lecture (Sibson Lecture Theatre 1)


Florence Demoulin-Auzary, Université Paris-Saclay, Paris.

‘Les enfants de l’inceste’


Moderator: Anne Lefebvre-Teillard, Université Paris II Panthéon-Assas, France.



10-10.30: Coffee break



10.30-12.00: Sessions XI


Session 37: Female Religious


Venue: Sibson Seminar Room 2


Moderator: Gisela Drossbach, Universität Augsburg, Germany.


Speaker 37a: Federica Boldrini, Università di Parma, Italy.

‘Discussing the diaconissae. Female deacons in the Decretum Gratiani and in the Decretists (12th-13th c.)’


Speaker 37b: Callum Jamieson, University of Glasgow, UK.

‘Women Religious and the Courts of Papal Judges-Delegate: Evidence from England, c.1130-1216’


Speaker 37c: Natalie Krauss, Saint Louis University, USA.

‘Bonizo’s Women: An Analysis of the Role of Women within the Liber de Vita Christiana



Session 38: Present and Precedent in the Church Councils of Late Antique Iberia, 1: Before 589 - Authority and Connectivity in the Pre-Visigothic Church


Venue: Sibson Seminar Room 1


Organisers: Graham Barrett and Jamie Wood, University of Lincoln, UK.


Moderator: Graham Barrett.


Speaker 38a: Pablo Poveda Arias, Universidad de Valladolid, Spain.

‘The Bishop as Undisputed Leader? Structures and Balances of Power in the Iberian Church (Fifth and Sixth Centuries)’


Speaker 38b: Rodrigo Furtado, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal.

Aut varia aut dubia aut inordinata: the First and Second Councils of Braga and the State of the Church in Northwestern Iberia in the Mid-Sixth Century’


Speaker 38c: Purificación Ubric Rabaneda, Universidad de Granada, Spain.

‘Conflict, Violence, and Concord in Iberian Church Councils before 589’



Session 39: Local Churches and Canon Law


Venue: Sibson Seminar Room 4


Moderator: Orazio Condorelli, Università di Catania, Italy.


Speaker 39a: Mariangela Galluccio, Università di Messina, Italy.

‘The Clarian Rule in Messina in the 15th century: Saint Eustochia Calafato and the “Code of Messina”’ [Part 1]


Speaker 39b: Marta Tigano, Università di Messina, Italy.

‘The Clarian Rule in Messina in the 15th century: Saint Eustochia Calafato and the “Code of Messina”’ [Part 2]


Speaker 39c: Meghan Lescault, University of Toronto, Canada.

‘Outside the Lines: The Secular Chapter of Nivelles and Canon Law’



Session 40: Late Medieval Poland and Transylvania


Venue: Sibson Seminar Room 3.


Moderator: Gergely Kiss, University of Pécs, Hungary.


Speaker 40a: Adinel C. Dincǎ, Babeș-Bolyai University, Romania.

‘Testamentary Rights of the Parish Clergy: The Case of the Transylvanian Saxons (1350-1550)’


Speaker 40b: Kacper Górski, Jagiellonian University, Poland.

‘The Influence of Catholic Feast Days on Secular Judiciary in the Early Modern Poland’


Speaker 40c: Maciej Mikuła and Wiktor Dziemski, Jagiellonian University, Poland.

‘The influence of canon law on ius proprium in the Kingdom of Poland in the Jagiellonian era’



Session 41: Gallicanism and Canon Law


Venue: Sibson Seminar Room 5


Moderator:  Mathias Schmoeckel, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, Germany.


Speaker 41a: Ambrogio Caiani, University of Kent, UK.

‘Napoleonising Gallicanism, the French Empire and the Four Gallican articles 1807-1813’


Speaker 41b: Nelly Bytchkowsky, Université Clermont-Auvergne, France.

‘La place de l’évêque dans la pensée de Louis de Héricourt’


Speaker 41c: Emilie Gérard, Université Paris-Panthéon-Assas, France.

‘Le droit canonique comme argument contre la révocation de l’édit de Nantes: l’exemple de l’avocat protestant Charles Ancillon (1659-1715)’



Session 42: Popes and Anti-popes


Venue: Sibson Seminar Room 6.


Moderator and Respondent: David d’Avray, Jesus College, Oxford, UK.


Speaker 42a: Danica Summerlin, University of Sheffield, UK [Invited Keynote Speaker].

‘(Anti-)Popes and Ecclesiastical Law in the Central Middle Ages’


Speaker 42b: Emilie Rosenblieh, Université de Franche-Comté, France.

‘Oath of office and governing program for the pope-elect. An attempt to constitutionalize the papal monarchy in the 15th century’


12-13.30: Lunch (included in Registration Fee).


12-13.30: Private Meeting of the ICMAC Board (Sibson Seminar Room 3)



13.30-15.00: Sessions XII


Session 43: Sexuality and Criminality


Venue: Sibson Seminar Room 1.


Moderator: Peter Clarke, University of Southampton, UK.


Speaker 43a: Pietro Mocchi, Parliamentary Archives, London, UK

‘Under the Surface. Hidden legal currents in Opicinus de Canistris’ De preeminentia spiritualis imperii (1329)’ [MOVED FROM SESSION 66].


Speaker 43b: Tess Wingard, University of York, UK.

‘The Construction of the Transgender Legal Subject in High Medieval Canon Law’


Speaker 43c: Kevin Kulp, Goethe Universität Frankfurt-am-Main), Germany.

‘Zwischen Theorie und Praxis. Die Vorschläge der Dekretistik zum Umgang mit geistlichen Sexualstraftätern’



Session 44: Present and Precedent in the Church Councils of Late Antique Iberia, 2: The Secular Church - Property and its Problems in the Iberian Church


Venue: Sibson Seminar Room 3


Organisers: Graham Barrett and Jamie Wood, University of Lincoln, UK.


Moderator: Michael Wuk, University of Lincoln, UK.


Speaker 44a: Carolyn La Rocco, University of St Andrews, UK.

‘Founding and Funding Churches in the Visigothic Kingdom before and after the Third Council of Toledo’


Speaker 44b: Marta Szada, Nicholas Copernicus University, Toruń, Poland.

‘Buying the Gift of God: Payments for Clerical Ordinations and Promotions in the Canons of the Iberian Councils’


Speaker 44c: Jamie Wood.

‘Slavery and Freedom in the Sixth-Century Iberian Canons’



Session 45: Early Medieval Councils and Collections


Room: Sibson Seminar Room 4


Moderator: Steven Schoenig, Saint Louis University, USA.


Speaker 45a: Gideon de Jong, Radboud University, Nijmegen, Netherlands.

‘“Only God can judge you” – Two attempts at legitimising episcopal privilege compared’


Speaker 45b: [WITHDRAWN]


Speaker 45c: Christie Pavey, Royal Holloway, University of London, UK.

‘What has Carthage to do with Jerusalem … or Canterbury? Using conciliar procedure at Carthage 411 as a guide to amplify silenced voices’



Session 46: The Influence of Medieval Canon Law on Modern Legal Practice in Anglicanism and Ecumenism


Venue: Sibson Seminar Room 2


Organiser: Russell Dewhurst, Cardiff University, UK.


Moderator: Norman Doe, Cardiff University, UK.


Speaker 46a: Norman Doe.

‘The Medieval Regulae Iuris in Modern Global Anglicanism and Ecumenism’


Speaker 46b: Russell Dewhurst.

‘The Seal of the Confessional from 1215 to 2024’


Speaker 46c: Morag Ellis, The Arches Court, London, UK.

‘The Office of Notary Public and the Church of England: A Legal Perspective - Ancient and Modern’



Session 47: Medieval Canon Law and Governance: Precursors to Rights in Canon Lawyers and Theologians in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries


Venue: Sibson Seminar Room 6


Organiser: Jason Taliadoros, Deakin University, Australia.


Moderator: Melodie Eichbauer, Florida Gulf Coast University, USA.


Speaker 47a: Jason Taliadoros.

‘Recent Work on ius naturale: From Tierney to Sol to Saccenti’


Speaker 47b: Ryan Greenwood, University of Minnesota, USA.

‘A Right to Disobey?  The Possibility of Resistance to Unjust Wars’


Speaker 47c: Thierry Sol, Pontificia Università della Santa Croce, Rome, Italy.

‘From the executio potestatis to the potestas iurisdictionis: canonical distinctions and evolutions in the XII and XIII s.’ [in French]



15-15.30: Coffee break.




15.30-17.00: Sessions XIII


Session 48: Matrimonial Disputes


Venue: Sibson Seminar Room 6


Moderator: Danica Summerlin, University of Sheffield, UK.


Speaker 48a: Tudor Stefanescu, Università ‘Tor Vergata’, Rome, Italy.

‘The problem of adultery, clandestine marriage, and informal consent. New perspectives on a letter sent by Alexander III to the Archbishop of Canterbury’


Speaker 48b: Alexandra Guerson, University of Toronto, Canada, and Dana Wessell Lightfoot, University of Northern British Columbia, Canada.

‘The blending of Christian and Jewish legal practices: bigamy and consanguinity in the converso community of late medieval Girona’


Speaker 48c: Yinwen Mai, University of Leeds, UK.

‘Gilbert Foliot (c.1100-1187)’s Legal Administration: The Case of the Matrimonial Dispute between Agnes of Essex and Aubrey de Vere’



Session 49: Present and Precedent in the Church Councils of Late Antique Iberia, 3: Bishops in Council - Constraints and Contexts for Episcopal Action


Venue: Sibson Seminar Room 3


Organisers: Graham Barrett and Jamie Wood, University of Lincoln, UK.


Moderator: Abigail Firey, University of Kentucky, USA.


Speaker 49a: Michael Wuk, University of Lincoln, UK.

‘Competition’s Payin’ the Price: Bishops, Monks, Authority, and Community in the Visigothic Canons’


Speaker 49b: David Addison, All Souls’ College, Oxford, UK.

‘Sites of Scrutiny: Bishops and their Households in the Visigothic Canons’


Speaker 49c: Graham Barrett.

‘Drawing Back the Conciliar Curtain: Eugenius of Toledo in Council’



Session 50: Judicial Procedure


Venue: Sibson Seminar Room 1


Moderator: Andreas Thier, University of Zurich, Switzerland.


Speaker 50a: Martin Sunnqvist, Lund University, Sweden.

‘Impartiality of Judges: Disregarding Fear, Greed, Hatred and Love’


Speaker 50b:  David Magalhães, University of Coimbra, Portugal.

'The transmissibility of the Aquilian liability. The ground-breaking contribution of Medieval Canon Law'


Speaker 50c: Mirèio Himy Alicheva, Université Paris-Saclay, France.

‘La condamnation de l’exequatur face aux premières revendications de souveraineté’



Session 51: Texts and Practice


Venue: Sibson Seminar Room 2


Moderator: Barbara Bombi, University of Kent, UK.


Speaker 51a: Gergely Kiss, University of Pécs, Hungary.

‘Handbook of the papal tax collector and nuncio Raimundus de Bonofato. The ius commune in the service of practice’


Speaker 51b: Laurent Le Tilly, Université Paris-Panthéon-Assas, France.

‘La réception du droit romain et du droit canonique dans le formulaire notarial de Bertrand du Pont (1234-1235)’


Speaker 51c: Charles de Miramon, Université Paris-Panthéon-Assas, France.

‘The Letters of Haymon of Bazoches (†1153) and the writing of his Manual



Session 52: Legal Responsibility


Venue: Sibson Seminar Room 5


Moderator: Orazio Condorelli, Università di Catania, Italy.


Speaker 52a: Maria d’Arienzo, Università di Napoli, Italy.

‘From the Decretal Si Culpa tua to can. 128 of the Codex iuris Canonici: the evolution of the legal concept of responsibility and compensation for damage in Canon law’


Speaker 52b: Olivier Descamps, Université Paris-Panthéon-Assas, France.

‘L’apport du ius commune à la responsabilité indirecte’


Speaker 52c: Maurizio Martinelli, Pontificia Università Urbaniana, Rome, Italy.

‘La responsabilità formativa del Magister in un passo della Summa Hostiensis (X, 5,5).’



Session 53: Medieval Canon Law in the Modern World


Venue: Sibson Seminar Room 4


Moderator: Mathias Schmoeckel, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, Germany.


Speaker 53a: David von Mayenburg, Goethe Universität Frankfurt-am-Main, Germany

‘The Corpus Iuris Canonici in German - A Translation from the 19th Century: Context and Edition’


Speaker 53b: Sarah Wagner-Wassen, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, Germany.

‘The Commune Jus Ecclesium as a Regulative Principle in the Mid-Twentieth Century Episcopal Church: The debate over the sources of authority and application of discipline from medieval canon law’


Speaker 53c: [WITHDRAWN]



19.00-21.00: Conference Play ‘Thrice to Rome’ (St Dunstan’s parish church, Canterbury; included in Full/Student Registration Fee)




Saturday (13 July)


9-10: Plenary Lecture (Sibson Lecture Theatre 3)


Antonia Fiori, Università di Roma ‘Sapienza’, Italy.

‘Gratian reloaded. The problem of the order of the Decretum after Gratian’ [in Italian]


Moderator: Barbara Bombi, University of Kent, UK.



10.30-12.00: Sessions XIV



Session 54: Bending the Rules in Medieval Canon Law


Venue: Sibson Seminar Room 1


Moderator:  Peter Clarke, University of Southampton, UK.


Speaker 54a: [WITHDRAWN].


Speaker 54b: Atria Larson, Saint Louis University, USA.

‘The Jurisprudence of Mercy and Dispensation: A Study of Select Glosses on the Compilationes antiquae and the Liber Extra


Speaker 54c: Susanne Lepsius, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munich, Germany.

‘Legitimizing illegitimate children in the Papal Lands’



Session 55: Present and Precedent in the Church Councils of Late Antique Iberia, 4:

The Problem of Precedent - Tradition and Innovation in Dialogue


Venue: Sibson Seminar Room 3.


Organisers: Graham Barrett and Jamie Wood, University of Lincoln, UK.


Moderator: Jamie Wood.


Speaker 55a: Margarita Vallejo Girvés, Universidad de Alcalá de Henares, Spain.

‘Theological Controversies between Western and Eastern Churches and their Effects in the Iberian Church before the Third Council of Toledo (589)’


Speaker 55b: Eleonora Dell’Elicine, Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento, Argentina.

Ut clerici si solidum praestiterint: Usury, Civil Law, and the Church Fathers in the Sixth-Century Iberian Councils’


Speaker 55c: Molly Lester, United States Naval Academy, Annapolis, USA.

‘Penitential Canons and Canonical Precedents in Early Medieval Iberia’



Session 56: The Development and Uses of Extreme Necessity in Medieval Canon Law and Political Discourse


Venue: Sibson Seminar Room 2.


Organiser: Mia Korpiola, University of Turku, Finland.


Moderator: Franck Roumy, Université Paris II Panthéon-Assas, France.


Speaker 56a: Siiri Toiviainen Rø, University of Helsinki, Finland / University of Oslo, Norway.

‘Plucking Grain on the Sabbath: Biblical Interpretation, Legal Discourse, and the Early Christian History of the Canonical Maxim Necessitas non habet legem


Speaker 56b: Mia Korpiola.

Si summa necessitas exigat: The Use of Necessity in Synodal Statutes ca. 1170-1520’


Speaker 56c: Virpi Mäkinen, University of Helsinki, Finland.

‘The Application of the Canon Law Maxim Necessitas non habet legem in Late Medieval Political Discourse’



Session 57: Canon Law and the Common Good


Venue: Sibson Seminar Room 5


Moderator: John Burden, Boston College Law School, USA.


Speaker 57a: Hugo Lesueur, Université Paris II Panthéon-Assas, France.

‘L’Utilitas Publica dans le Décret de Gratien’


Speaker 57b: Raffaella Bianchi Riva, Università di Milano, Italy.

‘From Canon Law to Secular Law: Scandal vs Common Good (13th – 15th Centuries)’


Speaker 57c: Silvia Di Paolo, Università Roma Tre, Italy.

‘Investing the ill-gotten gains in the public good: the ecclesiastical rationality of restitution’



Session 58: Canon Law and Theology


Venue: Sibson Seminar Room 4.


Moderator: Abigail Firey, University of Kentucky, USA.


Speaker 58a: Mattheis Lorimor, Saint Louis University, USA.

‘In the Compiler’s Words: Pastoral Care in the Dicta of Bonizo of Sutri’


Speaker 58b: [WITHDRAWN]


Speaker 58c: Alessandro Recchia, Pontificia Università Urbaniana, Rome, Italy.

‘Alger and Gratian: A Comparative Analysis of de Misericordia et Iustitia, Cod. Sang. 673 and Decretum Gratiani



Session 59: Homicide and Procedure


Venue: Sibson Seminar Room 6.


Moderator and Respondent: Elizabeth Papp Kamali, Harvard Law School, USA.


Speaker 59a: Sara M. Butler, Ohio State University, USA [Invited Keynote Speaker].

‘Revenge Appeals: Malicious Accusations of Homicide as a Form of Resistance to Ecclesiastical Justice in thirteenth-century England’


Speaker 59b: Alexander Lombardo, University of St Andrews, UK.

‘Royal Punishment of Homicide in England and Francia c. 750-950: A Reappraisal’



12-13.30: Lunch (included in Registration Fee)



13.30-15.00: Sessions XV


Session 60: Consent and Marriage


Venue: Sibson Seminar Room 6.


Moderator: David D’Avray, Jesus College, Oxford, UK.


Speaker 60a: Anna Sammassimo, Università di Padova, Italy.

‘Innocent III's contribution to the consensual principle’


Speaker 60b: Thomas Wetzstein, Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, Germany.

‘The theory of marital consent - an intellectual invention and its consequences’


Speaker 60c: Paolo Astorri, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.

‘Marriage and Parental Consent in Early Modern Germany: The Use of Canon Law by Johann Gerhard’



Session 61: Clavis canonum Wiki Editathon


Venue: Sibson Seminar Room 2


Organisers: Christof Rolker, Universität Bamberg, Germany, and Danica Summerlin, University of Sheffield, UK.



Session 62: Trade and Economic Activity


Venue: Sibson Seminar Room 1


Moderator: Melodie Eichbauer, Florida Gulf Coast University, USA.


Speaker 62a: [WITHDRAWN]


Speaker 62b: Andreas Thier, University of Zurich, Switzerland.

‘Trading Futures and Canon Law – The Decretal Naviganti (X 5.19.19) and the Canonists’


Speaker 62c: Wout Vandermeulen, Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium.

‘An unexpected turn: the remarkable influence of medieval canon law on early modern mercantilist policies’



Session 63: Late Medieval Jurisprudence


Venue: Sibson Seminar Room 3.


Moderator: Rosalba Sorice, Università di Catania, Italy.


Speaker 63a: Alarico Barbagli, Università degli Studi “Magna Græcia” di Catanzaro, Italy.

‘I consilia canonistici di Francesco Accolti’


Speaker 63b: Clemens Freiherr von Gumppenberg, Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, Germany.

‘A Franconian Baldus? Albrecht von Eyb (1420-1475) and the collection of his consilia


Speaker 63c: Lorenzo Sinisi, Università di Genova, Italy.

‘Guristi ed edizioni a stampa del Corpus iuris canonici nel tardo Quattrocento: da Alessandro Nievo a Sebastian Brant’



Session 64: Juristic Concepts, 2


Venue: Sibson Seminar Room 5.


Moderator: Jason Taliadoros, Deakin University, Australia.


Speaker 64a: Florian Reverchon, Université Jean-Moulin-Lyon-III, France.

‘La notion de forma dans la doctrine des canonistes (XIIe-XIVe siècle)’


Speaker 64b: Grace Delmolino, University of California, Davis, USA.

‘Contract and Consent: Legal Maxims in Medieval Italian Literature’


15.00-15.30: Coffee break.



15.30-17.00: Sessions XVI


Session 65: The Schools in the Twelfth Century


Venue: Sibson Seminar Room 2


Moderator: Joaquin Sedano, Universidad de Navarra, Spain.


Speaker 65a: John Burden, Boston College Law School, USA.

‘Variations in Names, Dates, and Places in the Early Manuscripts of Gratian’s Decretum


Speaker 65b: MOVED to 22b.


Speaker 65c: José Miguel Viejo Ximénez, Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. ‘Ministri sacrorum canonum et decretorum pontificum’: derecho y sacerdocio en la prima pars de la Concordia discordantium canonum



Session 66: Texts and Learning, 2 [SESSION WITHDRAWN].



Session 67: Clergy and Discipline


Venue: Sibson Seminar Room 6


Moderator: Florence Demoulin-Auzary, Université Paris-Saclay, France.


Speaker 67a: Patrizia Piccolo, Università di Bari Aldo Moro, Italy.

‘Local clergy and celibacy in Land of Otranto’


Speaker 67b: Alexandre Mimouni, University of Tours, France.

De clerico venatore : portrait canonico-théologique du clerc en chasseur’


Speaker 67c: Franck Roumy, Université Paris-Panthéon-Assas, France.

‘L’origine et la diffusion de la décrétale Inhaerentes (1125; JL 7401 = WH 563) d’Honorius II sur le serment des clercs’



Session 68: Learning and Teaching Canon Law


Venue: Sibson Seminar Room 1


Moderator: Atria Larson, Saint Louis University, USA.


Speaker 68a: Tatiana Petrukhina, University of Oslo, Noway.

‘The Legal Landscape of the Black Monk: Abbot Wibald of Stablo (d. 1158) and His Canon Law Knowledge’


Speaker 68b: Thomas Sullivan OSB, Conception Abbey, USA.

‘Parisian Licentiates in Canon Law (1416-1448): Prosopographical Soundings’


Speaker 68c: Wouter Druwé, Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium.

‘Lectures and Consultation Practice at the Louvain Faculty of Canon Law (c. 1430-1445)’



Session 69: Juristic Concepts, 3


Venue: Sibson Seminar Room 3


Moderator: Orazio Condorelli, Università di Catania, Italy.


Speaker 69a: Giovanni Chiodi, Università di Milano-Bicocca, Italy.

‘Extradition from Cities and Reigns in the Late Medieval Ius Commune


Speaker 69b: Giancarlo Ruggiero, Pontificia Università Gregoriana, Rome, Italy.

‘The praevia investigatio in medieval canonical criminal law’


Speaker 69c: Rachel Guillas, Université Paris-Panthéon-Assas, France.

‘La dimension intentionnelle de la contumace dans la procédure romano-canonique médiévale’



Session 70: Canon Law in the Kingdom of Sicily (12th-15th Century): Rules, Doctrines, and Practices


Venue: Sibson Seminar Room 5.


Organiser: Marta Cerrito, University of Palermo, Italy.


Moderator: David De Concilio, University of Padova, Italy.


Speaker 70a: Marta Cerrito.

‘Multiculturalism and the right to procuratio in Norman Sicily’


Speaker 70b: Vincenzo Roberto Imperia, University of Palermo, Italy.

Ecclesiae pastoribus carentibus. The administration of vacant churches in the Kingdom of Sicily (12th-13th centuries)’


Speaker 70c: Ignazio Alessi, University of Geneva, Switzerland.

‘Niccolò Tedeschi on the alleged status of Apostolic Legate of the king of Sicily (c. 1430)’


Speaker 70d: Anna Floris, University of Palermo, Italy.

In multis delictis innocens punitur propter nocentem: the problem of collective liability in the works of Niccolò Tedeschi (15th century)’



17.15-18.45: ICMAC AGM (Sibson Lecture Theatre 1).



19.30: Closing Reception and Congress Banquet (including traditional ‘Greetings from the Nations’), Darwin College Conference Suite (included in Full/Student Registration Fee).





Session Speakers (those marked * are Invited Keynote Speakers)


Abulafia, Anna Sapir: 21a

Adam, William: 24a*

Addison, David: 49b

Ahokas, Lari: 7a

Alessi, Ignazio: 70c

Alexandrowicz, Piotr: Tuesday Poster Session (18.30-20.00); 24b

Alix, Benoît: 13b

Arnold, John: 23a

Storri, Paolo: 60c


Barbagli, Alarico: 63a

Barralis, Christine: 11c

Barrett, Graham: 49c

Bassani, Alessandra: 20b

Bateson, Mark: 33b

Baumann, Georg: 34b

Becker, Niels: 7c; Tuesday Poster Session (18.30-20.00)

Beaulande-Barraud, Veronique: 11b

Bianchi Riva, Raffaella: 57b

Bilotta, Maria Alessandra: 4a

Binotto, Dario: 21c

Boldrini, Federica: 37a.

Bonomelli, Gabriele: 36b

Brasington, Bruce: 21b

Burden, John: 65a

Butler, Sara: 59a*

Bytchkowsky, Nelly: 41b


Cahu, Frédérique: 6a

Caiani, Ambrogio: 41a

Canning, Joseph: 36a*

Cerrito, Marta: 70a

Chacon, Abner: 2b

Chiodi, Giovanni: 69a

Cives, Maria: 9c

Cleary, Matthew: 30a

Condorelli, Orazio: 16a*

Conte, Emanuele: 1a

Corran, Emily: 12b

Cowley, Patrick: 23b

Cubitt, Katy: 2a

Cushing, Kathleen: 5b


D’Arienzo, Maria: 52a

De Concilio, David: 10a

Delivré, Fabrice: 13c

De Jong, Gideon: 45a

Dell’Elicine, Eleonora: 55b

De Lorenzo, Lucia: 26c

De Miramon, Charles: 51c

Delmolino, Grace: 64b

Descamps, Olivier: 52b

Dewhurst, Russell: 46b

Dincă, Adinel: 40a

Di Paolo, Silvia: 57c

Doe, Norman: 46a

Dolezalek, Gero: 18c

Donahue, Charles: 1b

Dondorp, Harry: 22b (65b)

Druwé, Wouter: 68c

Ducros, François-Régis: 18a

Duggan, Anne: 15b

Dusil, Stephan: 34d

Dziemski, Wiktor: 40c

Dziwiński, Pawel: 7d


Eckert, Raphaël: Tuesday Poster Session (18.30-20.00); 34b

Eichbauer, Melodie: 12a

Ellis, Morag: 46c

Evans, Paul: 18b

Eves, William: 10d


Fedele, Dante: 29a

Fiocca, Matteo Carmine: 9d

Firey, Abigail: 14b

Ferreira Gomes Silva, Ana Luiza: 28b

Floris, Anna: 70d

Forlani, Filippo: 20a

Fossier, Arnaud: 8a

Freiherr von Gumppenberg, Clemens: 63b

Furtado, Rodrigo: 38b.


Galluccio, Mariangela: 39a

Gennaro, Luigi: 32d

Genton, Louis: 1a

Gérard, Emilie: 41c

Gneckow, Daniel: 35c

Górski, Kapcer: 40b

Greenwood, Ryan: 47b

Gual Silva, Carolina: 31c

Guerson, Alexandra: 48b

Guillas, Rachel: 69c


Harrington, Jesse: 29b

Heidenreich, Hannah: 34c

Hill, Felicity: 23c

Himy Alicheva, Mirèio: 50c

Holt, Tina Lesley Jessica: 26b

Hugill, Andrea: 1c


Imperia, Vincenzo Roberto: 70b

Ivarsen, Ingrid: 2c


Jamieson, Callum: 37b.

Joubert, Thibault: 9a


Kéry, Lotte: 17a

Kiss, Gergely: 51a.

Knackstedt, Dillon: 27c

Kobayashi, Asami: 9b

Korpiola, Mia: 56b

Krauss, Natalie: 37c

Kulp, Kevin: 43c


La Rocco, Carolyn: 44a

Larson, Atria: Tuesday Poster Session (18.30-20.00); 54b.

Lemesle, Bruno: 20c

L’Engle, Susan: 25b

Lenz, Philipp: 22c

Lepsius, Susanne: 54c

Lescault, Meghan: 39c

Lester, Molly: 55c

Lesueur, Hugo: 57c

Le Tilly, Laurent: 51b

Leveleux-Teixeira, Corinne: 11a, Tuesday Poster Session (18.30-20.00)

Lombardo, Alexander: 59b

Lorimor, Mattheis: 58a

Lusset, Élisabeth: 22a


Mai, Yinwen: 48c

Magalhães, David: 50b

Mäkinen, Virpi: 56c

Marangoni, Camilla: 4c

Martin, Édouard: 30b

Martinelli, Maurizio: 52c.

Mausen, Yves: 33c

McDougall, Sara: 19b

McHugh, Jenny: 30c

Meeder, Sven: 14a

Mellouki, Léa: 29c

Mikuła, Maciej: 40c

Mimouni, Alexandre: 67b

Mitalaité, Kristina: 14c

Mocchi, Pietro: 43a


Neubauer, Mari-Liis: 27a


Oberholzer, Paul: 17c


Panzanelli Fratoni, Maria Alessandra: 4b

Papp Kamali, Elizabeth: 31b

Pavey, Christie: 45c

Pearce, Jennifer: 32b

Perron, Anthony: 8c

Petrukina, Tatiana: 68a

Piccolo, Patrizia: 67a

Poveda Arias, Pablo: 38a.


Recchia, Alessansro: 58c

Rehak, Martin: 7b

Reverchon, Florian: 64a

Rolker, Christof: 19a

Rosenblieh, Emilie: 42b

Roumy, Franck: 67c

Ruggiero, Giancarlo: 69b

Rusu, Cătălin: 26a


Sagasser, Amélie: 25a

Sammassimo, Anna: 60a

Scalone, Alessandro: 32a

Scherer, Cornelia: 35b

Schmoeckel, Mathias: 28c

Schoenig, Steven: 5c

Siméant, Clarisse: 6b

Simperl, Matthias: 13a

Sinisi, Lorenzo: 63c

Sol, Thierry: 47c

Somerville, Robert: 5a

Sorice, Rosalba: 31d

Spina, Olivier: 28a

Stefanescu, Tudor: 48a

Stella, Attilio: 10b

Stone, Rachel: 31a

Stüber, Till: 15a

Sullivan, Thomas: 68b

Summerlin, Danica: 42a*

Sunnqvist, Martin: 50a

Swanson, Robert: 33a

Szada, Marta: 44b


Taliadoros, Jason: 47a

Tarantino, Daniela: 12c

Thier, Andreas: 62b

Tigano, Marta: 39b

Toiviainen Rø, Siiri: 56a

Tveit, Miriam: 27b


Ubric Rabaneda, Purificación: 38c.


Vallejo Girvés, Margarita: 55a

Vanelli, Elena: 35a

Vandermeulen, Wout: 62c

Viejo Ximénez, José Miguel: 65c

Vincent, Nicholas: 3a*

Vladár, Vojtech: 15c

Von Mayenburg, David: 53a


Wagner-Wassen, Sarah: 53b

Wessell Lightfoot, Dana: 48a

Wetzstein, Thomas: 60b

White, Sarah: 10c

Wingard, Tess: 43b

Winroth, Anders: 25c

Wood, Jamie: 44c

Wuk, Michael: 49a


Zendri, Christian: 16b

Žepič, Vid: 6c

Zutshi, Patrick: 3b



Plenary Speakers


D’Avray, David Monday 9-10am

Demoulin-Auzary, Florence: Friday 9-10am

Fiori, Antonia: Saturday 9-10am

Körntgen, Ludger: Tuesday 9-10am

Korpiola, Mia: Wednesday 9-10am


Doe, Norman: Thursday Excursion Lecture

Pennington, Kenneth: Wednesday Public Lecture (18.00-19.00)



Moderators (and Respondents) *


Adam, William: Session 28; Thursday Excursion Lecture

Arnold, John: Session 9


Barrett, Graham: Session 38.

Bombi, Barbara: Sessions 3*, 4, 29, 32, 50; Friday plenary.

Baumgärtner, Ingrid: Session 35

Brasington, Bruce: Session 13

Burden, John: Session 57


Clarke, Peter: Monday plenary; Sessions 1, 24*, 43, 54

Condorelli, Orazio: Sessions 39, 52, 69

Conte, Emanuele: Session 10

Corran, Emily: Session 23

Cushing, Kathleen: Wednesday plenary.


D’Avray, David: Sessions 15, 42*, 60

De Concilio, David: Session 70.

Delivré, Fabrice: Session 26

Demoulin-Auzary, Florence: Session 67.

Doe, Norman: Session 46

Drossbach, Gisela: Sessions 19*, 25, 31, 37.

Duggan, Anne: Session 7

Dusil, Stephan: Session 34


Eckert, Raphaël: Session 11

Eichbauer, Melodie: Wednesday Public Lecture (18.00-19.00); Sessions 47, 62.


Fedele, Dante: Session 16*

Firey, Abigail: Sessions 49, 58

Fossier, Arnaud: Session 22


Kiss, Gergely: Session 40.

Korpiola, Mia: Session 27


Larson, Atria: Session 68.

Lefebvre-Teillard, Anne: Friday plenary.


McDougall, Sara: Session 8


Papp Kamali, Elizabeth: Session 59*.

Pennington, Kenneth: Session 36*


Roberts, Edward: Tuesday plenary; Session 2, 14

Rolker, Christof: Sessions 17, 61

Roumy, Franck: Sessions 6. 56


Schmoeckel, Mathias: Sessions 41, 53

Schoenig, Steven: Session 45

Sedano, Joaquin: Sessions 20, 65

Sorice, Rosalba: Session 63

Summerlin, Danica: Sessions 12, 48, 61


Taliadoros, Jason: Sessions 30, 64

Thier, Andreas: Session 50


Winroth, Anders: Sessions 5, 18, 21

Wood, Jamie: Session 55

Wuk, Michael: Session 44


Zutshi, Patrick: Session 33