Plenary and Invited Speakers

Plenary Speakers

‘Medieval Canon Law in a Comparative Perspective’

‘Les enfants de l’inceste’ (Stephan Kuttner Lecture)

‘Gratian reloaded. The problem of the order of the Decretum after Gratian’

‘Early Medieval Penitentials and Early Medieval Canon Law: an Intricate Relation’

‘Canonical Influences on Medieval Swedish Laws –  New Perspectives’

Invited Keynote Speakers

Additionally, the Congress features a special strand on ‘Canon Law and Governance’, which explores how the study of medieval canon law can help inform current public policy debates, notably on the role of international law, electoral systems, constitutional reform, and representative government. A number of invited keynote speakers will feature as part of this strand:

‘Revenge Appeals: Malicious Accusations of Homicide as a Form of Resistance to Ecclesiastical Justice in thirteenth-century England’

‘The Legacy of Conciliarism in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries: Consent and Representation’

‘Fede, patti, pace e commercio. Variabili e dinamiche del ius gentium nella societas christiana, fra tardo medioevo e prima età moderna’

‘Gender Studies in the Middle Ages: Definitions of Sex and Gender in Medieval Law, Theology, and Medicine’

‘(Anti-)Popes and Ecclesiastical Law in the Central Middle Ages’

‘History, Heresy and Humour in the Career of Master Stefano da San Giorgio (d. 1290)’