Wiring the Electrical Components

The next step for the assembly of the RoadRunner 5 is making sure all the sensors, lights, and servos are powered on and connected to the Arduino correctly. This section includes a wiring diagram created in the program Fritzing. Use this diagram as a guide to your wiring. Below it is an explanation on how the mini breadboard works.

If you examine the mini breadboard closely, you will see that there are rows labeled with numbers and columns labeled with letters. Components plugged into the same row will be connected.

In the diagram above, the red wires are all plugged into the same row (note: the breadboard is sideways). This essentially means they are all plugged into the Arduino's 5V pin since the 5V pin is plugged into the row.

The mini breadboard on the RoadRunner 5 is being used as a power distribution board. It can also be used for other components as well, such as a HC-06 bluetooth module (shown below). The module can be plugged directly into the breadboard so that the four pins are all in the same column, and then wires routed to the appropriate pins on the Arduino.

For a cleaner more compact look, trim the LED pins shorter. Make sure to note which pin is positive and which is negative. The longer pin is the positive pin.

Trim both pins close to the small ridge. Leave the positive pin slightly longer so that it is easy to tell apart from the negative pin when installing the LED.

Install the LED onto the Arduino my plugging the longer positive end into pin 13, and plugging the shorter negative pin into the GND pin on the Arduino. There is an LED built in to the Arduino already that is mapped to pin 13, but this external LED will be easier to see.