Student Project Teams

We are currently working on the following projects to complete the Mars Yard:

  • New Swarmies for Outreach
  • ICMARS Rover for Outreach
  • Mars Yard Navigation system
  • Mars Yard IT and wireless
  • Mars Yard electrical, lighting, and camera system
  • Mars Yard terrain
  • Mars yard Distance learning and video streaming
  • Virtual Missions including Swarmathon
  • Physical Missions including Swarmathon
  • Webpage GUI for remote access

SIPI Engineering and SIPI-NASA I-C-MARS Programs

A 10-minute Documentary Video - Our Story - Innovative STEM Education Programs Empower Native American Students

1998 - 2018

We are celebrating our twenty years of partnership with the NASA Office of Education and NASA MUREP Programs in “Innovative STEM Education for Native American Students”

SIPI Engineering Programs were mentioned and praised in a report to US Congress:

Statement of the American Indian Higher Education Consortium Prepared for the U.s. House of Representatives - Committee on Appropriations Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies

On behalf of the nation’s Tribal Colleges and Universities (TCUs) that collectively are the American Indian Higher Education Consortium (AIHEC), thank you for the opportunity to express our views and recommendations regarding the National Science Foundation’s TCU Program (NSF-TCUP) and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s Minority University Research and Education Project (NASA-MUREP) for American Indian and Alaska Native STEM Engagement Program (MAIANSE) for Fiscal Year 2018 (FY 2018).

Read the full document below.

AIHEC STEM CONFERENCE -Revised on 1-17-2019