From NASA JSC website

NASA SUITS (Spacesuit User Interface Technologies for Students) challenges students to design and create spacesuit information displays within augmented reality (AR) environments. As NASA pursues Artemis - landing American astronauts on the Moon by 2024, the agency will accelerate investing in surface architecture and technology development. For exploration, it is essential that crewmembers on spacewalks are equipped with the appropriate human-autonomy enabling technologies necessary for the elevated demands of lunar surface exploration and extreme terrestrial access. The SUITS 2020 Challenges target key aspects of the Artemis mission. Please direct all questions regarding this opportunity to

-Microgravity University JSC

Team Athena

Our team for the NASA SUITS competition is developing three augmented reality applications:

  • Moon rover tire repair
  • Geology science sampling
  • Spacesuit interface and vitals

As part of this competition, we are also performing virtual outreach lessons for students to learn more about NASA and space through fun activities they can do at home. The first of two activities is learning about how a rocket works and creating a paper rocket powered by a straw. The second activity tasks the students with creating a stargazing apparatus using a tube such as an empty paper towel roll or Pringles can. The lessons for each of these activities are available on this website from the buttons below.

Click the buttons below to access each lesson!