Stage 1: Planning Workbook Steps

BACKGROUND (pages 4-10)

Overview of IBH-PC Concepts and Goals

    • Begin Planning Group preparation

    • Reach out to potential patient partners and plan how to include them

πŸ”— Background (Click here to download)

STAGE 1 PLANNING, STEP 1 (pages 11-16)

Develop Your Vision of IBH-PC

    • Create an Affinity Diagram of an ideal patient experience when receiving integrated behavioral health and primary care

    • Create a Vision Statement using the Affinity Diagram and share with your practice

πŸ”— STAGE 1, STEP 1 (Click here to download)

STAGE 1 PLANNING, STEP 2 (pages 17-22)

Assess Baseline

    • Analyze current practice methods on managing change and integrating care

    • Include other data measures based on practice priorities

πŸ”— STAGE 1, STEP 2 (Click here to download)

STAGE 1 PLANNING, STEP 3 (pages 23-36):

Select Strategies

    • Identify providers and patients to be involved in IBH-PC

    • Describe the behavioral health services offered and any changes needed to the physical space, infrastructure, and electronic health record system

    • Match education modules with providers and staff

πŸ”— STAGE 1, STEP 3 (Click here to download)

STAGE 1 PLANNING, STEP 4 (pages 37-43):

Identify Design Team

    • Prepare for Stage 2 with a purpose statement and team member roster

    • Update your Communications Plan

πŸ”— STAGE 1, STEP 4 (Click here to download)