Welcome Package

Overview of the IBH-PC Initiative

Your practice is starting a long-term effort to increase and improve the integration of behavioral health services in its clinical practice of primary care.

Because it is a long-term effort, it’s not just a project but an “initiative” – something that will take planning, design, and implementation, sustained for months and perhaps years.

The goals of this Integrating Behavioral Health (IBH) initiative are to:

  • Improve the health of patients who have complex conditions, such as one or more co-existing medical and behavioral problems, by making it easier to access behavioral health services in the practice.

  • Integrate behavioral health provider(s) into the flow of practice operations so that medical and behavioral providers can work together.

  • Include other members of the practice as an interprofessional team to care for complex patients.

Where Do I Start?

This IBHPC website is your entry point and will give you access to the:

Parts of the Toolkit

There are four resources that your practice can use to move across stages: Workbooks, Educational Modules, IBH-PC Coach, and a Learning Community.

Step-by-step process to improve integration of care. These toolkits include the:

Start-up Guide

Planning Workbook

Design Workbook

Self-paced training courses on integrating care.

Introductory modules for all practice members and additional education by professional role.

Support for implementation of the IBH-PC intervention.

Expert coach to help the team through planning, redesign, and implementation stages

Public forum focused on helping patients and communities.

Connect with members from other practices who are working on improving integration.

Initial Project Roles and Responsibilities

The Start Up Guide is a great place to get started. It will help you prepare for and access all of the study materials.

Your IBH-PC Coach is a resource to:

  • Ensure you have access to the materials you need, when you need them

  • Answer questions regarding the materials and assist with setbacks

  • Support you and your practice as you implement the IBH-PC intervention

Contact your coach for support as you review the Start Up Guide and the Leadership Guide, and to schedule an introductory meeting. This meeting should be scheduled early in your start up process.

Your IBH-PC Coach can be contacted through IBHPC-UVERMONT@med.uvm.edu.