Step 2: Prepare for Patient Partner Inclusion

Photo courtesy of Richard Reynolds

When you make a

choice, you change the future

Deepak Chopra

On Step One, you reviewed elements of the PP Welcome Package to confirm important agreements with leadership. You will continue to revise the PP Welcome Package as you determine the strengths and participation needs of patients you engage as patient partner candidates. During Step two you will choose an engagement approach, identify the strengths, perspectives and expertise you are missing from your team and request assistance from practice members to help you engage potential patients as partner candidates.

Outline of Step Two content:

  • The Patient Partner Engagement Approach

  • Who is the IBHPC Patient Partner?

  • Paths for Identifying Your IBHPC-I Patient Partners

  • Tools of Step Two

The IBH-PC Patient Partner Engagement Approach

Photo courtesy of Joanne Delabruere

We are here to awaken from the illusion of separateness

Thich Nhat Hanh

As in any journey, the approach you take will determine the length and ease of your path. For your first PP journey, both patients and the members of the IBH-PC team will need to gain confidence and get comfortable working together as colleagues. The approach you take for identifying and engaging the patients who can partner with you will need to be intentional and thoughtful for both patients and practice members.

For the IBH-PC Initiative, the following engagement activities are suggested to get you quickly on your way partnering with patients successfully and thoughtfully.


Identify PPs from your patient population that match your goals

  • Path One: The Patient Advisory Group

  • Path Two: Practice Members Assist with Identification


Engagement Activities: All paths will merge as you:

  • Make First Contact- to arrange and schedule conversations with patients or patient advisers

  • Hold 1-1 Conversations-to gain insight, feedback about your goals

  • Conduct follow up conversations to find two PPs to join the team

  • Select Two PPs to join the team

  • Orient PPs to the team

Who is the IBH-PC Patient Partner?

Photo courtesy of Richard Reynolds

We do not see things as they are, we see them as we are

Excerpt from the Talmud

All patients who choose to partner with you will come with diverse backgrounds, areas of expertise and strengths and can help you with many different improvement projects. They each will have different methods of communicating, presenting their perspectives and fulfilling their role on the team. Please consider the following for the IBH-PC PP:

Consider at least *two patients (or a home care partner of a patient and a patient) who have the courage, time, and desire to partner with you.

Consider PPs

□ from the clinic patient population at which IBH-PC is taking place.

who reflect the interests and concerns of patients and might benefit from the changes the Initiative will instigate.

□ with the capacity for and interest in learning.

□ with whom your practice members already have good relationships and can trust.

□ who can feel comfortable and build confidence from sharing openly about the challenges and rewards of improving clinical processes and systems.

□ who can contribute without risk to their health or wellbeing.

*Two or more is ideal depending on the size of your team. PPs new to the role will benefit from sharing responsibilities, and the additional support of a fellow PP. It is also helpful to have a backup. Also, consider the family health partner who can provide their important perspective to the team.

Paths for Identifying Your IBH-PC Patient Partners

After you have Assessed the needs of your IBH-PC team you are ready to choose a path for identifying patients from within your patient population. Remember, you will not get the patient partner you want. You will get the patient partner you need.

Path One: The Patient Advisory Group assists with PP Identification

Estimate of time needed: 1-3 weeks

Take this path if you already have a group of experienced patient advisers who can help you meet your IBHPC Initiative Patient Partnering goals and expectations.

Steps for Path One: This path works well if you have patient advisers who already are aware of a PPs role and responsibilities.

  1. Present information about the Initiative and your partnering goals to the leader of the Patient Advisory Group (PAG) (sometimes called Patient and Family Collaborative)

  2. Meet with patient advisers to present your goals and PP needs

  3. Identify a list of patient advisers who meet the IBH-PC team needs.

  4. Begin Step 3 engagement activities with these partners.

  5. Invite at least two PPs to join the IBH-PC team as full influencing members

Path Two: Practice Members Assist with PP Identification

Estimate of time needed: 1-3 weeks available

Take this path if you have practice members with established relationships with patients from within the clinic generating the Initiative, who can easily pinpoint patients who meet your IBH-PC PP needs.

Steps for Path Two: This path works well if you have practice members who have good relationships with their patients who meet the IBHPC PP requirements

  1. Enlist practice members to identify patients who meet the IBHPC team needs.

  2. Create a detailed list of their recommendations

  3. Begin Engagement Activities to engage these partners on aspects of the Initiative (see Step Three for instructions).

  4. Select at least two PPs to join the IBHPC-I team as full members

Optional Method Three: Broadcast Approach

Estimate of time needed: Up to 3-6 (or more) months

If your clinic does not have practice members or an established patient advisory group who can help you identify well known patients, a broadcasted method will build a large base of potential patient partner candidates. It could help you establish a patient advisory group. However, this approach is a quality improvement measure in and of itself. Building a patient advisory panel requires secure resources and strong leadership, planning and implementation with a whole team effort.

Tools for Step Two

Project Management tools:

Messaging Tools to customize and share

Thank you once again for taking the time to learn and understand the requirements for a thoughtful PP Journey!

Next: Download tools and begin Step Two tasks.