Patient Partner Guide
Patient Partner Guide Materials
Everything you need on your Patient Partnering Journey
Each step contains information for the leader of the Patient Partnering journey to read along with corresponding checklists, templates, scripts and messaging tools to revise to meet your practices unique needs.
Steps include a Guide and all the associated Tools.
Step 1
Confirm Decisions with Leadership
Confirm Decisions with Leadership
In this step you will prepare to champion and lead an orientation for new Patient Partners.
Review elements of the Patient Partner Welcome Package to confirm important agreements with leadership.
Step 2
Prepare for Patient Partner Inclusion
Prepare for Patient Partner Inclusion
In this step you will choose an engagement approach.
Identify the strengths, perspectives and expertise you are missing from your team and request assistance from practice members to help you engage potential patients as partner candidates.
Step 3
Prepare the Team to Assist with Engagement
Prepare the Team to Assist with Engagement
In this step you will learn ways of keeping everyone on the same page.
Make first contact with patient partner candidates with conversations that are intentional, thoughtful and deliver shared values on partnering.
Step 4
Orienting the Team
Orienting the Team
In this step you will cultivate successful teams.
Planning thoughtfully for everyone's understanding of what is needed to ensure that your team has *F.U.N. together to begin reaping the rewards of working together.
*Fundamental Understanding of What is Needed
You are valuable
Believe in yourself
Be Present
Be Present
Remember to have fun along the way.
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