French Language B SL


In this class, you will have minimal homework, but you have to pay attention in class. The only way to get better in class is by participating in conversations, and asking for help when you don't understand.

If you're looking for ways to improve at home, first figure out which area needs the most improvement (oral comprehension, oral production, written comprehension, or writing):

  • Writing: consider keeping a journal that you write in daily, about anything you want. You will be forced to practice conjugation, along with look up new vocabulary words. You can also practice doing past papers to get a feel for what type of subjects you will have to write about and the vocabulary needed.

  • Reading: find a French book you actually want to read, and read it. This could even be the French version of a book you've already read

  • Oral comprehension: try watching Francophone YouTubers, or turn on the French audio when watching Netflix. Subtitles can help if you're struggling to understand anything

  • Oral production: this one is more difficult to find opportunities to improve. You could ask friends if they want to practice having French conversations, or when you're alone you could try explaining your thoughts out loud, but in French. Many people also get the opportunity to speak French with certain Summer jobs, especially if it's a position where you have to interact with tourists.

Some other possible ways to practice include:

  • Finding people online to create a French discussion group, where you can send messages in French to practice your reading and writing.