BKIC Design Lab

School of Electronical and Electronic Engineering - HUST

About us

The BKIC Integrated Circuit Laboratory (BKIC Lab) is part of Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam. It specializes in research and development in the fields of IC design and power electronics. BKIC Lab focuses on areas such as integrated circuit (IC) design, embedded electronic systems, and high-tech applications in fields like sensors, measurement devices, telecommunications, and renewable energy.

The lab is equipped with modern tools and devices to support research from system design, circuit design, to testing and evaluating IC performance. Additionally, BKIC provides training courses and collaborates with technology companies both domestically and internationally, giving students and researchers opportunities to gain practical skills and experience in the IC industry.

BKIC Lab offers an ideal learning and research environment for students, graduate students, and professionals who wish to explore and pursue a career in IC design in Vietnam.

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