SEEDS at Hunter

Who are we? 

SEEDS is a diversity program of the Ecological Society of America focused on expanding the world of ecology. Within the chapter, students can expect an open and accepting community that emphasizes the love for ecology and our planet. Some activities to expect are group field trips, river/beach clean ups, professional panels, seminars on how to choose a graduate advisor, what to do after graduating, and how to expand your leadership skills in the field of science. The SEEDS program at a national level also helps students to find fellowships and internships in order to receive experience in the field as well as support on research projects. Like our home campus motto "mihi cura futuri" the care of the future is mine- here at SEEDS we focus on learning more about our planet in order to take care of it properly! At our Hunter chapter we can't wait to get started and create a community full of committed students searching to learn about our planet and lifting each other up! 

How can you join?

If interested, you can email us giving a brief explanation of your major, year, and why you are interested! It is not a test, it is in order to get to know you better. Also include in the subject line [Interest in SEEDS] or by filling out the application form presented below.

Hunter College Green Space Project 

In partnership with Greenbelt Society and Hunter Sustainability Council, our purpose is to revitalize the green spaces on the Hunter campus ground and sidewalk. 

{other references look on calendar section}

Recruiting SEEDS Officers! 

We are also looking for ambitious students to fill in for the positions of President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, and Social Media manager. This requires leadership, initiative, and time out of your academic schedule but you will become well-connected with the professors & administrators at Hunter as well as with the Ecological Society of America.


