This two-year Erasmus+ KA2 project (2016-2018) started from a common need stated by the three partner schools: making students aware of the importance of a healthy lifestyle and the impact it might have on their physical, mental and emotional wellbeing.

Despite the distance between us, all three schools agreed on the importance of showing them that a healthy lifestyle actually consists of much more than just sport and "clean-eating". It definitely is about regular physical activity and a wholesome balanced diet, but also about choosing leisure activities which make us stay fit, relate or learning new things rather than remaining passively hooked on screens. If we are aware of the connection between these factors we will be able to solve some problems such as bad school results, lack of energy or motivation, concentration difficulty, etc. by changing some habits.

The final aim of this project is to help students find strategies to lead a healthy lifestyle and make them understand that their future is their hands.


1st EPAL Thessaloniki


Olimpiou Diamanti, 1

54626 Thessaloniki

Tel. +30 2310546231

School's Website

Contact person: Ioanna Tzinou

Agrupamento de Escolas de Barcelos (PORTUGAL)

C/ Avenida João Paulo II, 304

4750 - 304 Barcelos

Tel: + 351253809360

School's Website

Contact person: Fernando Carvalho


c/ Mora d'Ebre, s/n

43006 Tarragona

Tel. +34 977 54 57 21

School's web site

Contact person: Edurne Miravete

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