Active Leisure

Spare time is VITAL. We all need to devote some time to rest, to relax, to do some delightful activities. It is only by switching off from duties and obligations (call it school or work), by freeing our minds and bringing them to a state of RELAX and fulfillment that we can recover and feel energetic, positive and ready to go back to work. However, not all leisure activities contribute to our WELLBEING.

Being each of our school community a reflection of society, we found out at an early stage that one of the main factors preventing young people from leading a healthy style was technology. Technology IS useful, entertainig and fun, but misuse or overuse during free time might make people become sedentary, isolated, distanced from friends though pervasive connection. Many teenagers prefer spending time playing video games, chatting online rather than interacting with their friends, practicing sport or learning new things.

We are working to find alternative leisure activities which might also contribute to foster positive emotions, physical activity, healthy eating habits, knowledge about the own and the partners' culture.

WORKSHOP: Human Towers, a Catalan Tradition (Tarragona, Spain - May 2017)

Declared a UNESCO “masterpiece of the oral and intangible heritage of humanity” in 2010, the castells (“human castle ") is a tradition that began about 200 years ago in the small village of Valls, just 20km away from Tarragona. This tradition spread around Catalonia until in the early 30s a competition was started in Tarragona. In this competition there are currently 39 different types of human towers that can be built, varying in size and structure, with names such as “quatre de vuit” – four by eight, which represents the people width versus the people height of the tower.

PART 1: History and Theory

vocabulari casteller il·lustrat.pptx
Quin castell és.pptx
Quin castell és solució.pdf

PART 2: Visit to a human tower group's headquesters and practice

The values fostered by the building of this human towers are:

- Teamwork: since it is the sum of numerous individual contributions, that is, the result of a process in which everyone in the group plays their own defined role, from taking the strain at the base, closing the base tightly or keeping the whole thing balanced, right down to the youngest children who crown the tower.

- Effort. Every castell is the result of a work plan produced by the group leaders and performed week after week or months, sometimes years.

- Spirit of self-improvement and achievement. This spirit is what drives the groups to explore new challenges that stimulate team members and excite the public..


Extensive research has been invested into the benefits dancing has on health and it has been evidenced that dance and movement are known to have physical and psychological benefits. As for teenagers, who often find it hard to express their feelings, dance allows them to express their emotion and consequently it may provide an opportunity for them to communicate their feelings.

When dancing a wide flow of mood-improving chemicals is released helping to elevate our mental state; even one lively dance session has been proven to reduce depression in comparison to vigorous exercise or listening to music . Additionally, while the physical movement of dance helps reduce stress, anxiety and depression, dancing with others also helps us feel more connected and social. Consequently, dance foster social bonds and friendships which are key factors in improving our mood and mental health.

STEP 1: teaching partners to dance a folk dance through video-tutorials before the mobility

STEP 2: on-site dance session during mobility (Barcelos, Portugal - Nov. 2017)

Prior to the mobility, students had been practicing at their schools thanks to the video tutorials they had created and exchanged. During this 3rd exchange, participants had the opportunity to put that into practice but also learn directly from the partners.


STEP 1: The instructions


STEP 2:The International Games Competition (4th short-term exchange held in Tarragona, April 2018)
