Sophist讀書會 (8 Jan 2017)

Post date: Jan 2, 2017 11:04:30 AM

Since the last meeting, we have moved to a new text. Now we are reading Plato's Sophist. As in all Platonic dialogues, the beginning pages are fresh and easier to follow.

The next meeting of our reading group will start with Sophist 218d. Now Socrates has gone aside, but Theaetetus is at the front to face the Stranger's challenge. Usually we read two to three Stephanus pages each time.

As for the place, thanks to David's suggestion, we will meet at Cafétéria la maison (法語人之家,電話:(02) 2368-7077;地址:羅斯福路三段 244 巷 15 號). It seems a place with delicate French sweeties.

Happy New Year!