道與德研討會 Logos and Arete conference 2023

地點:文化大學曉峰紀念館 會議室 (A場:第一會議室、B場:第三會議室)

時間:2023年5月26日(五) 9:00~4:30

一如以往,中西美學中心在「道與德」研討會裡揮灑美學研討的靈光,包括「策展與哲學」專場:有生態藝術、性別酷兒與策展的相關議題;還有其他美學論文,如探討亞里斯多德詩學、柏拉圖《理想國》(Republic)二、三卷詩的審查規範、《小希比亞斯》(Hippias Minor)對於荷馬史詩如何塑造倫理形象的議題,《莊子》中的操作實踐和情感議題,以及當代分析美學藝術存有學等等。跨越時代與地域,還有日本學者東京都立大學哲學系的栗原教授一起參與。



The 8th Logos and Aretē Conference

Poiesis and Praxis: Philosophy as World-Engaging”



The conference is a biennial philosophical event of the Department of Philosophy of PCCU. The main theme of the conference is “Poiesis and Praxis: Philosophy as World-Engaging.” Philosophy is not only contemplative and introspective, but also world-engaging. We therefore focus on the concepts of poiesis and praxis and wish to explore their significance in philosophy. We welcome papers that deal with respective topics from all kinds of perspectives. The official languages of the conference are Chinese and English.


Department of Philosophy, Chinese Culture University


May 26, 2023


Chinese Culture University, Taipei, Taiwan

 Submission deadline:

Please submit the title, abstract and keywords of your paper (no more than 250 words), plus your name, affiliation and contact information to 2023.logos.arete@gmail.com by January 15, 2023. We will notify you the decision of the conference committee by February 1, 2023.


If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us via e-mail: 2023.logos.arete@gmail.com