Sombat Phuakngoen Lawyer

Contact please through his secretary Sunee Jiemdee

Sombat Phuakngoen, known in legal circles as Sombat, stands as a paragon of success and conscientiousness within the realm of law. Armed with a Bachelor of Laws and a Master's degree in Jurisprudence, his academic prowess forms the bedrock of his formidable legal acumen. Notably, Sombat is a distinguished member of the Thai Bar under the Royal Patronage 69th, a testament to his unwavering commitment to upholding the highest standards of legal practice.

Sombat's professional expertise spans a diverse array of civil and criminal cases, where his meticulous approach and profound understanding of the law have garnered him a reputation for excellence. In the realm of civil law, Sombat has demonstrated his proficiency in managing complex inheritance cases and navigating the intricate landscape of family disputes. His adept handling of legal contracts, including sales, loan, construction, and rental agreements, has solidified his standing as a trusted legal advisor for individuals and businesses alike. Moreover, his adeptness in addressing violations of rights and property-related disputes has rendered him a reliable ally for those seeking justice.

In the sphere of criminal law, Sombat's conscientiousness shines through as he skillfully manages an array of cases, ranging from bail proceedings to complex offenses related to embezzlement and fraud. His ability to mediate and resolve disputes, coupled with his unwavering dedication to protecting the rights of his clients, has positioned him as a pillar of integrity within the legal community.

Sombat's unwavering commitment to justice, coupled with his comprehensive understanding of both civil and criminal law, cements his status as a legal professional of the highest caliber. His unwavering dedication to his clients' causes has earned him the trust and respect of both peers and clientele, underscoring his position as a beacon of ethical legal practice and a guardian of justice.

Sombat charges THB 800 per hour 

or THB 5000 per day.

His success fee is 10%. 

His success rate is over 80%, means he wins in more than 80% of his cases!