Thai Kumquat - ส้มจี๊ด (Som Jeed) - Citrus japonica

The term "Thai kumquat" typically refers to a specific variety of kumquat that is cultivated in Thailand. Kumquats, in general, belong to the citrus family and are known for their small size and unique eating characteristics, as the entire fruit, including the peel, is edible.

Thai kumquats are small and round. When ripe, they have a bright orange color.

The skin is thin, and the flesh inside is juicy and sour.

We use the fruit to make juices and to add a little acidity to jams.

Like other citrus fruits, kumquats are a good source of vitamin C and other antioxidants.

Thai Kumquat trees can grow to be around 2 to 3 meters (6 to 10 feet) tall when fully matured. It's important to note that proper care, including pruning and regular maintenance, can influence the size and shape of the tree.