Tamarind tree - Tamarindus indica - มะขาม (ma-kham)

The tamarind tree, scientifically known as Tamarindus indica, is a tropical tree native to Africa but found in various tropical regions around the world. It belongs to the family Fabaceae. The tree is known for its pod-like fruit, which is commonly used in culinary applications.

We prune the tamarind tree very small as a waist-high hedge. After each cut, the plant sprouts again and we use these shoots in a red curry (Gaeng Phet Ma-Kham) See a possible recipe

In Thai cuisine, "มะขาม" (ma-kham) refers to tamarind. Tamarind is a key ingredient in many Thai dishes, contributing a sweet and sour flavor to various sauces, soups, and condiments. Tamarind paste or pulp is often used to add a tangy taste to dishes like Pad Thai, Massaman curry, and various dipping sauces. The distinctive taste of tamarind is a common element in Thai cuisine, providing a unique and flavorful profile to many dishes.