

Home > Numeracy > Patterns


A pattern is an arrangement of numbers, lines or shapes that follows a rule. A relationship is a particular kind of pattern that connects pairs of numbers, objects or measures according to some sort of rule. (Siemon et al., 2015)  

Figuring out how a pattern works brings predictability and allows the making of generalisations. Students can become increasingly able to identify a pattern as something that is a discernible regularity in a group of numbers or shapes. As they are able to connect patterns with the structure of numbers, they create a foundation for algebraic thinking (that is, thinking about generalised quantities). For example number patterns are evident in house numbers on opposite sides of streets. Algebra enables the ‘generalisation’ of patterns from one situation to another. (National Numeracy Learning Progression)

Teaching and learning activities

The resources below provide targeted teaching strategies to support student improvement in this skill. 

Each downloadable lesson activity includes:

Select the download all icon to download all available activities or select each activity separately. 

Teacher activity
Understanding patternsIdentify and generate patterns using numbers, symbols and objects, as well as continue the patterns. 
Rainwater tanks
Creating patterns in the real worldUsing patterns to determine number of tables and chairs when organising an event. 
Download all
Download all (ZIP)Download the resource pack containing all activities.

PLAN2 Areas of focus

An Areas of focus template has been created in PLAN2 to support targeted teaching of Text structure in your learning area. 

Search for the DoE template titled ‘DoE HSCMinStd Writing: Text structure’ in the Areas of focus template library tab within the Plan menu, and customise it for your students’ needs.  

For more information about using PLAN2 Areas of focus templates with this resource, visit the Using this resource with PLAN2 page. 

Relevance to the numeracy test marking 

The feedback for a Level 3 performance in the HSC minimum standard online numeracy test states:

Individuals performing at this level typically select appropriate strategies from a variety of everyday mathematical processes in familiar and some less familiar contexts. They interpret and comprehend mathematical information in written material, diagrams, charts and tables.

Students are able to explain any simple relationship or pattern.

Connections with ACSF Level 3 descriptors

The relevant Level 3 ACSF descriptors for numeracy are shown here to demonstrate how simple relationships or patterns are assessed in the HSC minimum standard online test. The performance features identified show what a student is able to do in order to achieve at this level and are provided to support teachers to understand what is required to achieve a Level 3 in this skill.

Numeracy Indicator 3.09: Selects and interprets mathematical information that may be partly embedded in a range of familiar, and some less familiar, tasks and texts

Focus area: Explicitness of mathematical information    

Level 3 performance features: 

Numeracy Indicator 3.10: Selects from and uses a variety of developing mathematical and problem solving strategies in a range of familiar and some less familiar contexts 

Focus area: Problem solving processes including estimating and reflecting 

Level 3 performance features: 

Focus area: Mathematical methods and use of tools 

Level 3 performance features: 

Numeracy Indicator 3.11: Uses a combination of both informal and formal oral and written mathematical language and representation to communicate mathematically

Focus area: Oral mathematical language 

Level 3 performance features: 

Connections with Numeracy Learning Progression:  

The progressions describe a typical developmental sequence of literacy and numeracy learning. The numeracy progression sub-elements, levels and indicators relevant to patterns are provided here to assist teachers to identify students’ capabilities and needs to support targeted teaching.

Element: Number sense and algebra

Sub-element: Number patterns and algebraic thinking (NPA)

NPA2 Identifying and creating patterns

NPA3 — Continuing and generalising patterns

NPA5 Generalising patterns