Using this resource with PLAN2

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PLAN 2 - Areas of focus

Planning for Literacy and Numeracy (PLAN2) is an online tool designed by the NSW Department of Education for schools to monitor, analyse and plan for literacy and numeracy learning when using the National Literacy and Numeracy Learning Progressions.

Using PLAN2, teachers can access Areas of Focus to create and save a customised set of syllabus outcome(s) and progression indicators for a select group of students. This Area of focus can then be used to support targeted teaching of literacy and numeracy across the curriculum and to monitor students' learning using PLAN2. 

Areas of focus, when used within the HSC minimum standard, can support teachers in identifying students’ areas of need, where they are at and what they need to learn next. Areas of focus templates for the HSC minimum standard relevant to the domains of writing, numeracy and reading have been created and are located in the Areas of Focus template library. 

Teachers can customise the selection of progression indicators to reflect the needs of their students and to plan for literacy and numeracy development within their learning areas. This can help to support students in achieving the HSC minimum standard.

DoE templates for the HSC minimum standard can be accessed in PLAN2 Areas of focus within the Areas of focus template library page by searching for the template name. These template names can be found underneath the teaching and learning activities for each skill.

Areas of focus templates

This short video explains how to use a DoE HSC minimum standard template to create an Area of focus appropriate for the needs of your students and your learning area.


Areas of focus templates are created by the NSW Department of Education to support teachers in explicit teaching of a range of learning areas. Teachers can customise a template based on their observations and assessment of their students' needs by creating Areas of focus. Teachers can use Areas of focus to target teaching and monitor progress in a range of learning areas and contexts.   The department has provided a range of Areas of focus templates that teachers can use to create Areas of focus to support students with developing the literacy and numeracy skills they require to achieve the HSC minimum standard. These templates can be accessed in PLAN2 through the Areas of focus template library.

To access the template library, firstly select the PLAN2 link on the ALAN homepage to open the PLAN2 application. From the menu, select ‘Areas of focus template library’. In the ‘Areas of focus template library' screen:  Find a DoE HSC minimum standard template by selecting 'DoE' from the 'Created by' dropdown field. You can also search for a specific template by typing in a keyword in the search bar. For example, your school may wish to work on operations with percentages in the Year 9 Science class. You could type in ‘percentages’ to locate the HSCminstd: Percentages areas of focus template tile which you would then select from the left pane. This Areas of focus template contains all of the indicators referenced within the HSC minimum standard resource activities for Percentages to ensure easier monitoring of student development in these skills. 

On the Area of focus template details, then click the ‘Use template’ button. This will open the 'create new Area of focus' where you can follow the steps for creating a new Area of focus. The 'Create new area of focus’ screen will load. You will be prompted to select the student/s you want to include in your new area of focus, then any relevant syllabus outcomes and progression indicators included in your selected template will be copied to your new Area of focus. You can further customise your new Area of focus editing the selected syllabus outcomes or progression indicators. Templates should be customised to reflect the needs of the selected students. Remove or add indicators to make the learning focus explicit. 

You will finally be prompted to review and save your new Area of focus for percentages. The description from the HSC minimum standard: Percentages template will be copied over to your new Area of focus. You can edit your Area of focus name and description as needed. 

Once saved, your newly created Area of focus can be found saved against your class and may be used to generate Class observations and linked analysis to support planning for learning and achievement.  When periodically updating observations to your Area of focus, you would locate this via Areas of focus on the menu and select your personalised Area of focus. As this Area of focus can also be accessed by other teachers in your school, teachers from every KLA can contribute their observations to ensure a school-wide approach to support students to meet the minimum standard. 

For general solutions and troubleshooting you can visit the ALAN helpdesk pages at

For more information about the HSC minimum standard, visit the department webpage at HSC minimum standard ( or contact our team in the Literacy or Numeracy statewide staffrooms, or at  

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Instructional guides on creating Areas of focus on PLAN2 can also be accessed through the ALAN helpdesk or via the link: DoE Areas of Focus template to create a new Area of focus: Assessing Literacy and Numeracy (ALAN) help desk

The Illustrations of practice page also contains a series of illustrations of practice videos that demonstrate uses of the resource to support students' literacy and numeracy development, and help with how to support your teaching using PLAN2 and Areas of focus.