Additional Resources and Links

“The essence of intercultural education” is the acquisition of empathy - the ability to see the world as others see it, and to allow for the possibility that others may see something we have failed to see, or may see it more accurately. The simple purpose of the exchange to erode the culturally rooted mistrust that sets nations against one another. The exchange program is not a panacea but an avenue of hope..." Senator J. William Fulbright in The Price of Empire, 1989

Though there are many organizations at the intersection of global education, the following sites provide a wealth of resources for continued learning and classroom instruction.

World Savvy

An extensive resource that provides educational leaders with the tools to ensure that curriculum and instruction address local and global concerns in meaningful, relevant ways.

Project Zero
Harvard School of Education

One of the key resources to investigate the intersection of education and global understanding. I've includes more of these tools throughout this website. The Visible Thinking Routines are one of the most useful tools I've used as of late.

Primary Source
Educating Global Citizens

A good place to begin your investigation of what global education looks like in the classroom - the nuts and bolts and one of my favorite go-to sites.

Asia Society
Center for Global Development

A rich educational and professional development resource. Asia Society partners with organizations, institutions, and leaders to promote mutual understanding through meaningful collaborative endeavors.

ASCD provides a wealth of resources and articles to explore. Access the link here. They also researched and crafted one of the most comprehensive descriptors of Global Competency summarized below.

The Global Competency Learning Continuum Identifies the following key dispositions, knowledge, and skills:

Globally competent Dispositions include:
1) empathy and valuing multiple perspectives
2) a commitment to promoting equity worldwide.

Knowledge includes an understanding of:
3) the ways that the world is interconnected
4) global world conditions and current events
5) experiential understanding of multiple cultures
6) intercultural communication

Skills include the teachers’ abilities to:
7) use multiple languages
8) create a classroom environment that values diversity and global engagement
9) design learning experiences for students that promote content-aligned investigations of the world
10) develop local, national, or international partnerships that provide real world contexts for global learning opportunities
11) facilitate intercultural and international conversations
12) develop and employ appropriate methods of inquiry to assess students' global competence development (Wagner et al, 2017).

Laguna Quilotoa, Ecuador

Baños, Ecuador

Quito, Ecuador

The photos on this page are of my daughter Elise during her exchange year in Ecuador through Global Citizen Year, a post high school gap year program that seeks to create global leaders. You can access one entry of my daughter's blog from that year here or below- just a note that you may need to subscribe, though by doing so, you'll get a wealth of testimonials on the value of immersion experiences as a means for developing one's global competence.

Here are additional resources to investigate:

  1. In Search of The Ideal Tool for International School Teachers to Increase Their Global Competence, Adam Carter. An academic overview of the history of international and cross-cultural education.

  2. Global Competence Matrix. A further description of the key characteristics of global competence: Investigate the World, Recognize Perspectives, Communicate Ideas, & Take Action

  3. World Savvy's Global Competence Matrix. A descriptor of the Core Concepts, Behaviors, Values & Attitudes, & Skills of global competence.

  4. Building Global Competence Through Evidence-Based Principles. World Savvy's specific webpage for building global competence through evidence-based principles.

  5. Framework for Developing Global and Cultural Competence. A visual that describes “The Foundation of Discipline-Specific Knowledge and Understanding."

Baños, Ecuador

The Power of “Sí"