Balsa Wood Glider Theory

Learning Objectives

By the end of the lesson, Air Cadets will be able to:

(a) describe the use of plasticine in the glider design

(b) differentiate between dihedral and anhedral wings

(c) understand how the Bernoulli's Principle apply in aerofoil design to generate Lift

(d) state the equipment needed to make your Balsa Wood Glider

Balsa Wood Glider Theory

In this lesson, you will learn about the scientific principles how a Balsa Wood Glider can fly in the air, and the effect of various designs on the stability and flight time and distance.


Watch the video carefully and answer the following questions in the google form. 

Dihedral vs Anhedral Wings (Watch till 7:53)

Watch the following video to understand the differences between dihedral and anhedral wings design.

Answer the following questions. 

Balsa Wood Glider Workshop Slides_2018

Balsa Wood Workshop Conducting Brief

Read through the slides very carefully to understand how your Balsa Wood Gilder can be made.

Aerofoil Design & Bernoulli's Principle

Watch the following video to visually observe Bernoulli's Principle that arises from the aerofoil design of planes that generates lift.