Module 1

Total Defence (Gold)

Total Defence (Gold)

Activities to be completed:

a) Design a 30-minutes Total Defence lesson OR Plan a Total Defence-related VIA project that benefits the community

b) Individual reflection on the planning process of the lesson/project

Total Defence Lesson

For this activity, cadet leaders are required to design a 30-minute TD lesson for their junior cadets, their peers, and/or even the community. Cadet leaders are encouraged to tap on their understanding of, experience and personal convictions in Total Defence. They are also encouraged to utilise their creativity to share a Total Defence-related topic with their chosen audience.

Lesson requirements

Read the following document and slides for a guide and suggested format for the TD lesson. 

Folio 3 - Gold_Act1 _H1_Are Our Blue Skies Turning Grey.docx
Folio 2 - Gold_Act1_Are Our Blue Skies Turning Grey.pptx

Post-Lesson Reflection

This reflection should be completed after you have completed the planning and presentation of your project proposal, or when instructed by your Teacher Officer.

Total Defence-related VIA project

This activity allows cadet leaders to demonstrate their understanding of Total Defence and social responsibility, and is a platform for them to make meaningful contributions to the community in a Total Defence-related Values in Action (VIA) project. This project should be initiated, planned, and executed by cadets in small groups, and should target the wider community beyond school. 

Note: Cadet leaders who have initiated, planned, and executed Total Defence-related VIA projects with their class or Uniformed Group through other programmes/initiatives (e.g., SGSecure’s “Keep Singapore Safe” programme) can move straight to the post-project reflections part of the activity.

Pre-Project Brief 

In the planning of a Total Defence-related VIA project for this activity, cadet leaders should consider:

I. The needs of the community, and

II. How the project could contribute to Total Defence


Cadet leaders may use the suggested template as shown below or any other proposal template provided by your Teacher Officer to plan the VIA project.

Folio 6 - Gold_Act2_VIA Planning Template.docx

Post-Project Reflection

This reflection should be completed after the cadet leaders have completed the planning and presentation of your project proposal, or when instructed by your Teacher Officer.