Himalayan Research Paper Publications

Our publications are designed to fostering academic discourse on policy-oriented works related to the Himalayan region and surrounding countries. The topics are broadly defined to cover research areas in applied social sciences including economics, political science, sociology, social works, geoscience, agriculture, and citizen science as well as related interdisciplinary subfields within behavioral sciences, or science and health. While we welcome scholars and policy makers from across the world to contribute to our publications, priority is given to works driven by sound empirical strategies that help to intertwine science and conscience. Currently, our publication outlet is divided into three broad categories:


The archive is intended to aid the rapid disseminations of works in progress. It follows the American Economic Review's classification of areas. These working papers aim to stimulate discussion among scholars, policy makers and practitioners from across the world on issues surrounding the Himalayan region. Submissions will be screened by an editorial team for quality control and publication. Newspaper opinion style articles will not be accepted. Publishing with us does not prevent you from submitting your works elsewhere in peer-reviewed journals, rather, scholarly feedback from our editorial team will help improve the paper quality.

To upload the working papers for a wider visibility, click UNM’s digital repository and click on the Submit Research tab on the right column, and follow these simple steps:

1) create an account,

2) log in,

3) fill in a few information about your paper, and

4) upload your file.

Formatting instructions and other details can be found here.

For previously published papers, you can visit the UNM's digital repository, or contact the editorial team for help.


This is a compilation of abstracts of papers that have been presented in the Annual HPRC since 2006. It provides an opportunity for scholars to publish their long abstracts or full papers that were presented at the conference either in person or virtually. Past proceedings can be found here.


In addition to the Archive and Proceedings, Nepal Study Center at UNM also publishes Liberal Democracy Nepal Bulletin, Development Journal of the South, and others.


We also publish edited volumes, book reviews, and special seminar and workshop proceedings.

Please contact the editorial team for further information.



Dr. Prakash Adhikari, Central Michigan University


Dr. Vinish Shrestha, Towson University

Dr. Jingjing Wang, University of New Mexico

Dr. Soumyajit Chakraborty, Centre for Studies in Social Sciences Calcutta

Editorial Assistant:

Thaneshwar Paneru, University of New Mexico