Getting to Know You

When to call your Pastor…

The calling to be a pastor involves “wearing many different hats”. One important role is to provide pastoral care and spiritual support, to assist people in connecting with God and the resources of Christian faith in daily life. Here are some suggested times when it would be appropriate to contact your pastor for care or support:

You have an illness or death in the family

You are facing a serious family or personal problem

You are seriously ill or hospitalized for more than a day

You would like prayer or conversation prior to a medical procedure

You have been discharged from the hospital

You are thinking about getting married

You are planning a wedding

You are thinking about divorce

You need to make an important decision

You need to talk with someone in confidence

You have an issue that is troubling your conscience

You are facing a spiritual struggle

You are celebrating the birth of a child

You have questions about the church, baptism, communion,  faith, the Bible, or prayer

You would like assistance in thinking through a moral or theological issue

You are seeking to deepen your spirituality

This is not a comprehensive list.  There may be other reasons you may want to contact Pastor Karl-John.  He is here for holy listening and conversation.