Contact: Greg Feld | / 414-529-5240

“For my house will be called a house of prayer for all peoples.”

Isaiah 56:7

House of Prayer is truly a Christ-centered family of believers. All are welcome to come as they are (really!). There is certainly a place for you in the life and ministry of this congregation. There is always room for new people who want to know and serve God, and one another.

We believe God calls people to grow through the experience of worship, learning, witness, and service, all in fellowship with other believers. We believe that God's Spirit and the teachings of Jesus Christ are at work in the lives of every believer, even today.

To keep up on the latest happenings at House of Prayer on our webpage, like us on Facebook, or request our weekly newsletter either by US Mail, Email, or On-line. You will see all the latest information on worship and Fellowship Events planned for Youth and Adults and Families!