Stewardship Sponsored Event




At: House of Prayer

When: Sunday 10/16/2022

Time: Between services 9:15-10:00

Where: The East Rooms

We hope to have a representative or two from each of the councils to provide information and answers about their committees.

Time and Talents forms will available for each committee and can be completed then or returned

Pledge Forms will be available for completion this day or can be returned

We will offer a delicious Continental Breakfast for you!!!

Please take this opportunity to check out each HOP committee and find out what they do and consider how you can contribute your time and talents while having breakfast. We ask that you also consider increasing your pledge in 2023 due to increase costs. If you cannot make it to the event, the T&T forms, pledge forms and committee handouts will be available in the Narthex the following Sundays in October.