









"Narrating Shukyo (Religion) in Early Meiji Period" at the XIX IAHR World Congress, held at Takanawa Prince Hotel, Tokyo, 2005.3.30








"How a Buddhist Became a Unitarian: Nakanishi Ushio and His Interpretation of Unitarianism" in the panel "The Construction of Universal Religions in Meiji Japan before 1893" organized by Michel Mohr, at The Twelfth Asian Studies Conference Japan, held at Rikkyo University, 2008.6.22






"The Place of "Shinko (belief)" in "Shukyo (Religion)" in Modern Japan: An Inquiry into Narratives and Practices" in the panel "Appropriation of the Western Concept of “Religion” in Asian Cultural Traditions" organized by TSURUOKA Yoshio and IKEZAWA Masaru, at the XX IAHR World Congress, held at Toronto University (Toronto, Canada), 2010.8.20


" "Rational Religion" and the Shin Bukkyo [New Buddhism] Movement in Late Meiji Japan" in the panel "Buddhist Constructions of "Rational Religion" across East Asia" organized by Michel Mohr, at the XVI Congress of the International Association of Buddhist Studies, held at Dharma Drum Buddhist College in Jinshan, Republic of China, 2011.6.24

"Why "New" Buddhism? Modernity and the Buddhist Reform Movement in Modern Japan" [Invited Lecture, sponsored by the Buddhist Studies Workshop] at Princeton University (USA), 2012.4.10

"Why New Buddhism? Modernity and the Buddhist Reform Movement in Modern Japan" [Invited Lecture, sponsored by the Department of Asian Languages and Civilizations, the Eastman Lecture Fund, and the John W. Hall Lecture Fund] at Amherst College (USA), 2012.4.19

"Envisioning the Future Religion: Japanese intellectuals and American Religious Liberals in the Late 19th Century" [Reischauer Institute Special Presentation] at Harvard University (USA), 2012.9.6

"Envisioning the Future Religion: Japanese intellectuals in liberal religious landscape of 19th century America," at the New England Association for Asian Studies (NEAAS) 2012 Conference, held at Amherst College (USA), 2012.10.20


"(In)Expedient Others: Visions of Asia in Modern Buddhism in Japan" at the Duke / Korea University conference, "Bordering the Borderless: Faces of Modern Buddhism in East Asia," held at Duke University (USA), 2013.10.5



"Considering the 'Religious' and the 'Secular' in Meiji Japan" in the panel "Revisiting 'Secularization' in Japan: A Historical Perspective (1850s-1890s)" organized by Orion Klautau, at the XXI IAHR World Congress, held at Erfurt University (Germany), 2015.8.27

"How Religion Relates to "Public Space" in Modern Japan?" in the panel "Public Religion and Public Roles of Religions in Modern Japan" organized by HOSHINO Seiji, at the 74th Annual Conference of the Japanese Association for Religious Studies (JARS), held at Soka University, 2015.9.5 (→「宗教の「公」への関わり-近代日本における回路の歴史的検討-」(開催校企画英語パネル「近代日本における公共宗教と宗教の公的役割」パネル(代表者:星野靖二)における発表)(日本宗教学会第74回学術大会、於創価大学、2015.9.5))





"Buddhist Apologetics around 1880: Wakeikai and Buddhist Speech (Bukkyo enzetsu 仏教演説)" in the panel "Defending the Dharma in Nineteenth-Century Japan" organized by Janine Tasca Sawada, at the 15th International Conference of the European Association for Japanese Studies (EAJS), held at Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas (Lisbon, Portugal), 2017.8.31


"Making Tenrikyō into a Religion: the Reconfiguration of a Japanese New Religion in 1900" in the panel "The Role of Religious Studies in The Development of a Japanese New Religion: Case Studies of Tenrikyo" organized by Adam Lyons, at the 2017 annual conference of the Society for the Scientific Study of Religion (SSSR), held at Marriott Wardman Park Hotel (Washington D.C., USA), 2017.10.15

「『明教新誌』の検討――明治二〇年頃までを中心に―― 」(日本近代仏教史研究会第26回大会、於仏教大学、2018.5.26)


"The Development of Knowledge about Religion(s) in Meiji Japan: Takahashi Gorō and His Opponents" at the first Tohoku Conference on Global Japanese Studies, held at Tohoku University, 2018.12.16

"Nakanishi Ushirō: His Biography and the History of Religions" in the panel "Reconsidering the Role of Biography in the Study of Modern Japanese Buddhism" organized by Orion KLAUTAU, at the 78th Annual Conference of the Japanese Association for Religious Studies (JARS), held at Teikyo University of Science, 2019.9.14

「シカゴ宗教会議と「日本のキリスト教」をめぐる諸相」(科研・三菱財団助成金共催 グローバル禅ワークショップ、於オンライン、2020.6.21)cf. 


"The "Reformation" and "New Buddhism"" at the Roundtable: "Historiography on (Early) Modern Religions"  (Historians' Workshop), held online via zoom, 2020.12.10

""Sankyo kaidō" (the meeting of three religions) in 1912 and the relationship between the religious and the secular in modern Japan" in the panel "Reassessing The Validity Of The Religious-Secular Dichotomy In Modern And Contemporary Japan" co-chaired by DATE Kiyonobu and HOSHINO Seiji, at the 36th Conference of International Society for the Sociology of Religion (ISSR), held online via zoom, 2021.7.15



"Negotiations in settling down "religion": Revisiting the attempts of Japanese intellectuals in the latter half of the nineteenth century" in the panel "Transnational exchange and the category "religion"" convened by Aike Rots and Emily Simpson, at the at the 17th International Conference of the European Association for Japanese Studies (EAJS), held at Ghent, Belgium, 2023.8.18




コメント「佐藤厚氏の発表「井上円了のキリスト教批判-近代日本の仏基論争における位置-」に対するコメント」(第三回 日・韓・中 国際仏教学術大会、於東洋大学、2014.6.22)

Workshop: held a workshop with Jason Ānanda Josephson, "The Invention of 'Religion' in Modern Japan" at the Santander International Summer School "What is Caesar's, what is God's?", held at Kyoto University, 2015.3.16



招待研究報告「中西牛郎と其の時代―明治中葉までを中心に―」(龍谷大学アジア仏教文化研究センターグループ1 ユニットB ( 近代日本仏教と国際社会)第4 回ワークショップ、於龍谷大学、2017.1.24)






ワークショップ報告: 「日本宗教史の叙述と「古代」―宗教学の展開との関連において」"The Narrative of the History of Japanese Religions and ‘The Ancient’ in the Development of Religious Studies" at the international workshop 近現代日本の宗教文化と「古代」"The Idea of Antiquity in Modern Japanese Religious Culture"(held at the Reischauer Institute of Japanese Studies, Harvard University, 2019.11.1) cf.

研究会コメンテーター「明治期の「信教自由」とキリスト教・神道の交錯」(「キリスト教とナショナリズム」研究会、第1回公開研究会、於オンライン、2020.8.22) cf.


Paneler: "Panel Discussion: On the Study of Japanese Religions" in "The Study of Japanese Religions Past, Present and Future: Fifty Years of the Japanese Journal of Religious Studies," held at Nanzan Institute for Religion and Culture, 2023.6.9 cf.

Moderator: "Luther goes East: Reformation Narratives in Modern China and Japan" organized by Orion KLAUTAU, in the Fifth Tohoku Conference on Global Japanese Studies, 2023.12.9 cf.