
"I see us all in the future somewhere and we look a lot better than we do right now."

To see RCPS return to its conservative roots reflecting the values of our community

To empower parents

To employ the best teachers in the nation, pay them the national average (which is what they're worth and more!), and provide them with a work environment free from hostility and unjust requirements where they can do what they do best. . .TEACH!

To build a better tomorrow for all children in Rockingham County through the rebuilding of trust between RCPS and parents and making public school great again

To partner with parents while retaining an acute awareness that it is, indeed, a partnership, not co-parenting.  The schools should educate; the parents alone are responsible for the upbringing of the children.

To write policies that reflect Rockingham County community values

To create committees with people who have in mind the best interest of our children in alignment with the parent's goals for their children

To maintain libraries filled with books immersed in literary merit, free from pornography

To secure curriculum for our schools that is free from Critical Race Theory, gender ideologies, and Marxist and Socialist ideologies  

To make schools drug-free zones

To change the atmosphere inside of schools to enhance focus on studies 

To see the Constitution of the United States of America upheld and to serve my county and country through service in public office