Is There Not a Cause?!

Sow your seed to:

Hollie Cave for School Board

Checks can be mailed to:

PO Box 204

Elkton, VA 22827

Please provide the following information with your contribution (or you can print the form at the bottom of this page):

Full Name


Amount of Contribution



Employer/Business City & State

Credit card contributions can be taken in person or by phone.

Is there not a cause?! Is there not a history here for us to protect? Does our Constitution not contain a promise. . .a promise to secure the blessings of liberty to all of us and our children and our children's children? The answer is a resounding YES. . .to all of that. We have a history to uphold and a future to protect. It is reported that when asked what we had been given, Benjamin Franklin responded, "A republic, if you can keep it." Can we keep it, friends? The only way to keep it from slipping through our fingers is to select our representatives with the utmost care. We cannot afford to put even ONE more person (EVER) into ANY elected office that does not have the best interests of YOUR CHILDREN and PARENTS in mind.

We have a giant task placed before us. In fact, we have GIANTS in front of us. To take down giants you need resources. History tells us of one giant slayer that had 5 stones as a resource. What resource can you contribute? Do you have time you could give? A campaign takes lots of volunteers. I'm looking for proud patriots. Do you have knowledge you can lend me? I love to learn. It was once said that once you become the smartest person in the room, it's time to move rooms. I like to surround myself with people that can pour wisdom into me. Do you have finances you can contribute? It takes a lot of money to run a campaign. Who knew?!

And so, I humbly dedicate this page to asking you to sow a seed into the future of your children and a free country where parents raise their children and schools educate them.

Seed planted in good soil brings a great harvest. Thank you so much for investing in this campaign.

Contribution Information Form