
Written Assignments

There are 4 written assignments that consolidate your learning during the course. In order to pass the course, you need to pass at least 3 assignments.

If you don't pass the first submission, you have 1 chance to resubmit each assignment.

Details of the assignments:

Focus on the Learners (750 words)

investigation of the learning context and assessment of learner needs with reference to a specific learner or group of learners

•identification of sources for language and/or skills development and, where appropriate, personal support

suggestions for specific language and/or skill focused activities and an explanation/rationale for the use of these activities with the specific learners identified

Language-related Tasks(750-1000 words)

•identification of significant features of the meaning, form, pronunciation and use (MFPU) of language items/areas and the use of relevant information from reference materials.

Skills-related Tasks(750-1000 words)

•identification of significant features of the meaning, form, pronunciation and use of language items/areas and the use of relevant information from reference materials.

Lessons from the Classroom (750-1000 words)

•candidates’ identification of their own teaching strengths and development needs

reflections on their own teaching

•reflections on the implications for their own teaching from the observations of experienced ELT professionals and colleagues on the course.

Teaching Practice

During the course, you must have 6 hours of teaching practice.

•Usually divided into 8 x 45-min lessons

2 levels – one below intermediate (A1-A2)

•About 8 learners in each group

•At least 16 years old

•Teach both language systems (grammar, functions, vocabulary) and skills

How does it work?

You will receive support from your tutors during lesson planning. You will also get plenty of feedback from both your tutors and peers, so this is often regarded as the most valuable part of the course.

Final Grades

Upon meeting all requirements of the course, you will be awarded the CELTA certificate with one of the grades:

  • Pass

  • Pass (Grade B)

  • Pass (Grade A)

According to statistics from Cambrigde, 96% of the candidates get a Pass grade or above.