
Here's what our previous trainees said:

'The price (metaphorical and financial!) was well worth paying.'

You've probably heard of it as the gold standard in English language teaching, and this isn't an exaggeration. You'll be together with world-class tutors, learning from the forefront of ELT, and discovering an entire paradigm of learning and teaching that will stretch your standards. That learning journey that stands in front of you will be one that will be hard-worn, filled with trials, tribulations, and challenges that you will pay for in sleep, coffee, and moments of growth all too often bought through frustration. 

'This is a fruitful journey which will sail your way in teaching with the support from your beloved tutors and colleagues.'

The course is rewarding and enriching because you will get a brand-new perspective on English language. The course is quite inclusive in terms of lesson aims, students' age groups and levels. You will learn a lot,  A LOT (English is not as simple as you think :)). On the other hand, the course can be very stressful and intense mostly because of our busy schedules, working a full time job and also studying. Also, YOU WILL FALL ILL AND YOU WILL CRY, probably toward the end of the course, but you'll survive. Good luck (and don't die)!

''After the course ended, I felt like I had a nirvana rebirth.' 

Before I joined this course, I was hesitating about whether I should send my application. Will I be able to pass the interview session? Will I survive in such an intense environment with my part-time job? Numerous thoughts had run across my mind before I joined this course, but I am glad I did not turn down the offer. This course provides a foundation for anyone who aspires to be an English teacher — not an ordinary teacher, but a professional one. You will be given ample time to sharpen your teaching skills throughout the teaching practice. You can feel you’re improving exponentially and gaining more insights into teaching skills. I gained more confidence in going into a classroom, and my students liked the new way of teaching that I learned from the course.

'The feedback from my tutors and colleagues were invaluable. ' 

The course’s overall assessment helps in improving my teaching ability in an online setting. Though the course is fully online, I think the skills I have acquired are transferable to teaching face-to-face. The course is very intensive and can be very challenging due to having to do the course in only five short weeks. However, that being said, the course is still worth doing as it gave me a solid foundation to work on in such a short time. However, I wish I read more on people’s experience taking the CELTA course in more detail. I could have seriously considered taking the CELTA course on a part-time basis in order to pace my learning better.

'As our Teaching Practice (TP) progressed, it gradually became tougher to get a ‘to standard’. However, the tutors will always provide detailed feedback and support regarding the ‘points to work on’ for our next lesson. I would say this was the perfect technique to help us candidates to develop over the course of 8 TPs.

'It helped me to develop as a teacher and to think of teaching in a different way.'

The observations were fantastic for the online course. We got to experience different teaching style from different experienced teachers. This gave us the opportunity to have a exposure of what it is really like to teach in different settings including online and offline. Overall, I learnt a lot on the course. From methodology to teaching practise. I have been giving tools to help me as a teacher for my teaching career which is invaluable.

'The learning journey brought me a lot of joy, and I found great satisfaction in working with both my tutors and classmates .'

This is a reputable and comprehensive training program to enter the field of English language teaching. I have acquired a robust grounding in the intricacies of teaching methodologies, adapting lesson planning, and effective classroom management. The collaborative learning environment, fostered by both my dedicated tutors and my engaged classmates, has been an enriching experience. I had a pleasant conversation with the interviewer, who was highly professional and supportive throughout. His willingness to address my questions was greatly appreciated and made the experience enjoyable

'I have learnt a lot of things about teaching English that I had no idea about before. It also opened my eyes to how I was not teaching certain aspects of the language properly. I believe it has shaped me into a better teacher and I have a better understanding of language and skills when it comes to teaching English.

'Undoubtedly, the CELTA course has been an invaluable aid in my journey as a language teacher.

The teaching practice was an exemplary way to implement all the concepts acquired during input sessions and observations of experienced teachers and tutors.  Being able to apply these methodologies in real-life situations and witness their effectiveness in different types of lessons was a truly rewarding and insightful experience.  The feedback sessions were exceptionally valuable, as they provided a platform for trainee teachers to exchange astute suggestions to better each other’s teaching practices.  The feedback and knowledge gained from each practice session allowed me to make substantial improvements to my own teaching, resulting in gratifying and successful lessons.

'The tutors genuinely have your best interests at heart.

Each day, the input sessions are brimming with a wealth of fresh knowledge, skills, and ideas. These sessions are meticulously organized to provide a coherent learning experience. Following each input session, we were tasked with integrating the newly acquired knowledge into our teaching approaches. The initial week of the CELTA course was particularly intense in terms of information, resulting in a true "information overload" experience. However, gradually, step by step, the pieces fell into place, and the content became comprehensible.

'The course is indeed an intensive one. It demands all your time and you must live up to expectations all the time. It is challenging but rewarding. One will learn lots of things from tutors and colleagues to be a better teacher. The input sessions were of great help.  They help to give a much better understanding and applying them in TPs makes a difference. Without feedbacks no one will do a better job.  Feedback is what takes you through the journey of the course. You are out in line with feedback from tutors .'

'Tough, stimulating, and useful.'

Take advantage of all resources, teaching practice, and inputs. Enjoy working with tutors, peers, and learners worldwide. Test yourself and be willing to learn. If the tutors will be Rob, Ophel, and Thomas, you will have all the support that you need. Do your best and you will achieve great results. CELTA provides you with a good chance to approach or further an ELT career in both the public and private educational environments in most countries.

'This is a rigorous and intensive course with a balanced curriculum, administered by experienced professionals.'

I took the five-week online Cambridge CELTA course and would recommend it highly. The tutors were professional, supportive and experienced. The training and resource materials were extensive. The teaching methodology that was taught was both detailed and consistent. I was surprised by the intensity of the interview and application process. In hindsight, it was a foretaste of the intensity of the course itself. 

'It was a truely exhausting yet memorable course. You won't regret taking CELTA.' 

The input sessions were sometimes conducted as demo lessons, which gave us a taste of real teaching instead of simply listening to the complicated theories. The teaching practice is intensive yet rewarding. My teaching skills were enhanced during the teaching practice. The feedback from both tutors and other candidates were crucial to refine my teaching skills.

'I’ve met some wonderful people. They’ve helped me get through this course and achieve what I thought I wasn’t able to achieve.'

The course feels like you are on a roller coaster. You may have bad days where you may have no idea what you are doing or the work may be overwhelming. And good days where you feel like everything is going well and you’re having a lot of fun during the course. This course is very intensive and you do need to be prepared that you may not have enough rest. But rest assured the tutors and your fellow course mates are very supportive and are always there to give a helping hand. I didn’t think I would get this far and looking back, although it was tough at times, it was worth it. 

'I’ve met some wonderful people. They’ve helped me get through this course and achieve what I thought I wasn’t able to achieve.'

The tutors were amazing! They provided a lot of fantastic support and relevant comments for our improvement. They also made themselves available when we needed to consult them on both TP and assignments. TP was fun and immersive thanks to the participative students, and feedback was comprehensive and constructive. The tutors were extremely encouraging about both our strengths and our points of development. 

'Throughout the eight-week course, you will learn various teaching skills which are extremely useful for your future career as an English teacher. Although it is intensive, you will be amazed by how much you grow and develop after eight weeks. It is a course really worth taking. The course, the tutors, the candidates and the students will make you enjoy teaching.'

'This course is amazing!' 

'I would say that this session dramatically helps increase my teaching techniques. Before that, I barely have opportunity to teach students in mix levels. Thus I have accumulated more teaching experiences and been ore confident through this lesson. The feedback from tutors is just so supportive and helpful, from which I know exactly what to improve.'