Helping Us

There are 5 main ways to help us in identifying all the historical curling places:

  1. Let us know if there are any places that you know of in your vicinity that are not on the maps
  2. Provide information on places we know about but have been unable to locate. The list of those places can be seen below along with whatever information that we do have. Note that the list is updated every time the database itself is updated
  3. Provide information on places that we only been able to locate approximately (the red dot on the map), especially if you can tell us exactly where they were
  4. Let us know if you have any additional information on a place, like when it was first used, or what club(s) played there
  5. If you happen to be in an area of one of the ponds, take a photograph of what it looks like today

Simply drop an email with any of the above information to Lindsay Scotland at

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