Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) is a markup language. The language provides code for formatting the layout and style of a web page.


Creates the content of the webpage


Is used to change the appearance of the webpage


Is used to add interactivity to the webpage

Main Tags and Structure

<!DOCTYPE html>








<!DOCTYPE html> - This lets the browser software know the version of HTML it is about to find in the file. It should come before the opening <html> tag.

HTML - Encloses all other content of the page.

HEAD - title, css, scripts and meta tags

TITLE - The title tag which goes in the head area is displayed in the browser window/tab.

BODY - The content of the page goes here

Text Tags

Paragraph Tags

The paragraph tag is <p> and will take a new paragraph break within a section of text.

<p>This is the first paragraph of text. There should be an empty line of text after it</p>

<p>This is the second paragraph. You will notice that the tags are closed and opened.</p>


The HTML heading elements ( <h1> to <h6> ) are used to show six levels of section headings.

<h1> is the largest heading with <h6> being the smallest.

<h1>Heading level 1 is the largest</h1>

<h2>Heading level 2</h2>

<h3>Heading level 3</h3>

<h4>Heading level 4</h4>

<h5>Heading level 5</h5>

<h6>Heading level 6 is the smallest</h6>


Unordered Lists


<li>Each item is in a list item tag</li>

<li>Each item is in a list item tag</li>

<li>Each item is in a list item tag</li>


Ordered Lists


<li>Each item is in a list item tag</li>

<li>Each item is in a list item tag</li>

<li>Each item is in a list item tag</li>


Text Styling

The HTML <br> element produces a line break in text.


The UK is made up of different countries.<br>

Scotland is one of these.<br>

<br> <br>

The Capital of Scotland is Edinburgh.


<p>In a block of text, we can style certain parts using special tags.


<b> will make text <b>bold</b>,


<i> will put text in <i>italics</i>


<u> will <u>underline.<u>


Media Tags

Image Tags

<IMG> allows you to display graphics on your webpage.

Here is an example piece of code:

<img src = “grand_canyon.jpeg” alt = “This is a photo of the Grand Canyon”>

The alt part of the tag is used to display text in the event the graphic cannot be loaded. It lets the user know what they should be looking at.


<AUDIO> allows your browser to display an audio player and play an audio file.

Here is an example piece of code:

<audio controls>

<source src = "audio.mp3" type = "audio/mp3">



<VIDEO> allows your browser to display an video player and play a video file.

Here is an example piece of code:

<video controls>

<source src = “video.mp4" type = “video/mp4">


Links and Layout


This tag allows you to link to a new webpage or website.

The link tag uses the following format:

<a href = “hyperlink path”> Text you want to appear on your page as a hyperlink </a>

An example piece of code is below:

<a href = ""> Click to navigate to the BBC Sport webpage </a>

Anchor Link

This tag navigates you to a different part of the page you are on. Two things are needed:

  • An anchor hyperlink

  • An anchor further down the page to link to

An example of an anchor hyperlink:

< a href = “#video_section”> Click to go to the video section of the page </a>

An example of an anchor used further down the page:
<h2> < a id = video_section” > </a> Video section </h2>


The <div> tag is used for defining a section of your document and assigning it a name.

With the div tag, you can group large sections of HTML elements together and format them with a CSS.

<div id = “first_section”>

HTML code

<h1>Using Div Tags</h1>

<div style="background:lime">

<h3>This is a heading in a div element. And all content inside it is styled the same.</h3>

<p>This heading is inside the original div</p>


<div style="background:lightblue; font-size:12px; color:red;">

<p>This is some text in a seperate div element. All content inside it is styled the same.</p>


<p>This is some text not inside a DIV.</p>