Testing & Evaluation

Comprehensive Test Plan

This is a test plan carried out by the programming developers and is known as alpha testing.

When clients / users test the software this is known as beta testing.

The idea is that software cannot realistically be tested with just three or four items of test data. To properly test the program, you must test thoroughly for each of the functional requirements.

Your comprehensive plan could include:

Types of Errors




Debugging Programs

Debugging is the process of removing errors.

There are four debugging techniques that you will need to use and explain:

Dry Run

Trace Table

The trace table is another pencil-and-paper technique, where you create a table with all the (relevant) variables. You track each line of the program (or iterations of a loop), to see how the variables change over time.



Evaluating Programs

For Higher, fitness for purpose, efficient use of coding constructs and robustness carry over from National 5. There are two new measures of evaluation: maintainability and usability.

Fitness for purpose, efficiency and robustness were all covered at National 5.

Fitness for purpose

Efficient use of coding constructs


