Algorithm Specification

There are three standard algorithms, or patterns, for National 5: running total, input validation and traversing an array.

Running Total

The running total in a loop algorithm (or running total) is used to keep a running total of some numbers, either:

  • Values entered by the user

  • A list of values in an array

The algorithm loops several times, takes in a value, and adds it to the total.

A running total usually uses a fixed loop. It could be a running total of integers or real numbers.

Running Total from user input

total = 0

for counter in range(0, 10):

num = (int(input("Enter number"))

total += num

Running Total from an Array

temps = [18.2, 19.1, 20.1, 19.8, 21.4]

total = 0.0

for counter in range(0, 5):

total += temps[counter]

Running Total with a Conditional Loop

total = 0

while total < 100:

num = (int(input("Enter number"))

total += num

Input Validation

This is the standard algorithm for making sure a user is entering the correct (or valid) information.

This example asks the user to enter their age, which must be at least 15 to use the rest of the program.

First, it asks the user to enter a valid age. It only triggers the while loop if their age is less than 15. If so, it shows an error message and asks them to re-enter the data.

# Ask the user for their age

age = int(input("Please enter a valid age"))

# This loop only triggers if their age is less than 15

while age < 15:

print("Sorry, you must be 15 or over")

age = int(input("Please enter a valid age"))

More Examples

Validating within a number range

valid = False

#get user to input a number and loop until number is between 0 and 120

while valid == False:

age = int(input("What age are you: "))

if age < 0 or age > 120:

print("Age invalid.")

print("Please enter an age between 0 and 120.")


valid = True

print("Input is valid.")

Validating a string

password = "password1234"

while valid == False:

guess = input("Please enter the password: ")

#if input is incorrect, ask to try again

if guess != password:

print("Incorrect. Please try again.")


valid = True

print("Access Granted.")

Traversing an Array

We can use a loop to traverse the array - that means, to travel through it, or loop through it.

This example sets up a list of seven names. It has a loop that counts 7 times (from 0 to 6). It prints one of the names each time, using the loop counter variable.

This prints the values of names[0], names[1], names[2] etc. all the way to names[6].

# An array of seven names

names = [“Dopey”, “Grumpy”, “Doc”, “Bashful”, “Sneezy”, “Sleepy”, “Happy”]

# The array elements are numbered from 0 to 6

# Loop from 0 to 6 and print the name

for counter in range(0, 7):
