Computational Constructs

Parameter Passing

A parameter is a variable or value that is passed into and / or out of a subprogram.

There are two types of parameters: formal and actual.

Actual parameters are passed into a subprogram when it is called from another part of the program.

Formal parameters are used in the subprogram.

The program below has 3 different sets of data which all reuse the same subprogram.

#function to display info that is fed in to the module

def displayData(dataInput, message):

    average = sum(dataInput) / len(dataInput)

    print("Average " + message.lower(), round(average, 1))

    print(message + "s ranged from:")

    print(min(dataInput), "to", max(dataInput))


#data set 1

scores = [4, 6, 8, 5, 6, 3, 5, 9, 10, 2, 4, 6, 3, 5]

title = "Score"

displayData(scores, title)

#data set 2

pHReadings = [3.4, 3.7, 3.0, 4.2, 5.0, 2.7, 3.2]

text = "pH"

displayData(pHReadings, text)

#data set 3

heights = [154, 158, 187, 172, 155, 190, 182]

word = "Height"

displayData(heights, word)

Global/Local Variables

Local variables

Global variables

Variable scope


Modular programs are broken down into blocks of code called sub-programs.

Function Example

A function returns a single value.

Procedure Example

A procedure produces an effect.

Pre-Defined Functions



It returns an integer between the lower and upper parameters passed in.

import random

mynumber = random.randint(1, 6)


The length function, shortened to len() returns the length - the number of characters - in a string.

how_long = len("hello")



Rounds either:

num1 = round(3.14159265)


num1 = round(3.14159265, 2)


Floating Point > Integer

You can convert a floating-point number to an integer. It is also known as “truncating” the number.

This is not the same as rounding.

When a number is truncated, it effectively chops off the fractional part.

Both sections of code below would display 3.

num1 = int(3.14159265)


num1 = int(3.99999999)



Most programming languages have a predefined function which calculates the modulus (the remainder of a division).


You know already that a string is a collection of characters:

A substring is an extract of the string, between two points. In the example above, the substring is “Hello“.

There are interesting uses for a substring. We could:

We can extract (or slice) the substring with this syntax:

mystring = "Hello world"

sub1 = mystring[ marker1 : marker2 ]

This would return the first five characters (0 to 4): Hello.

mystring = "Hello world"

sub1 = mystring[0:4]

Substring allows us to work backwards. If we want the last character of the string, we could use -1 as a shortcut. This code returns ‘d’:

mystring = "Hello world"

sub4 = mystring[-1]

To find the last five characters, we would start at position -5 (5 from the end), and leave the second parameter blank. The variable sub5 would contain “rld”, and sub6 would contain “world”.

mystring = "Hello world"

sub5 = mystring[-3:]

sub6 = mystring[-5:]


You will recall from computer systems that every character (every letter, digit or symbol) can be represented by a number. They use a system of ASCII (7 or 8 bit) or Unicode (16 bit).

There are two functions that convert back and forth between ASCII codes and their associated characters.

# User enters A, this prints 65

mychar = input("Enter a character")


# User enters 65, this prints A

mynumber = int(input("Enter an ascii code"))


File Handling

A computer program can use data that is:

A computer program can open, create, write to, read from and close an external file.

Opening A File

There is a three step process to using a file in your code:

The open() function opens the file. It takes two parameters - the name of the file (as a string), and the mode (in your case, either “r” for reading or “w” for writing). We close() the file when finished.

# Open the file for writing

highscores = open("scores.txt", "w")

# Close the file


Writing to a File

To write data to a file, we use the w mode (w for writing).

Writing will create a file with that name if one does not already exist.

# Open the file for writing

messagefile = open("message.txt", "w")

# Save some data in the file

messagefile.write("Bla bla, this message will be saved in the file")

# Close the file


Note: this overwrites whatever was previously in the file! 

Reading a Whole File

To read saved data from a file, we use the r mode (r for reading).

# Open the file for reading

scorefile = open("scores.txt", "r")

highscore =


# Close the file


Reading Line by Line

This method is used when you have a file with multiple lines, and you want to use each piece of data separately.

The initial process is the same, we open the file for reading.

Instead of read(), we use the readlines() function, which returns all the lines of the file in an array. So for this file, it would produce an array with 10 items, each of them containing a name.

This example would print the name "Matthew"

# Open the file for reading

namesfile = open("names.txt", "r")

# We have a list (array) called names

names = namesfile.readlines()

# We can print one of the names in the array


# Close the file


This example would print the entire array, one at a time.

# Open the file for reading

namesfile = open("names.txt", "r")

# We have a list (array) called names

names = namesfile.readlines()

# Print all the lines, one at a time

for counter in range(0, 10):


# Close the file



Comma-separated values (.csv) files are often used to store table-like data. Values are stored line-by-line, with one line for each row of data, and columns separated by commas.

Once we have read each line from the file, we split the line into its constituent parts.

We use the split() function to separate each line, passing as a parameter the character we want to split with (usually a comma). Based on the first row of the table above, the following code would print “1027”.

# Open the file for reading

schoolfile = open("Schools.txt", "r")

# Read in the data one line at a time

lines = schoolfile.readlines()

# Loop through the schools, one at a time

for counter in range(0, 3):

   school = lines[counter]

   parts = school.split(",")

   name = parts[0]

   town = parts[1]

# Close the file


Reading into Parallel Arrays

# Parallel arrays for school data (set up with three blanks each)

schools = ["", "", ""]

towns = ["", "", ""]

pupil_count = [0, 0, 0]


# Open the file for reading

schoolfile = open("Schools.txt", "r")


# Read the file into an array of lines

lines = schoolfile.readlines()


# Loop through the array of lines

for index in range(0, 3):

   parts = lines[index].split(",")

   # Store in the parallel arrays

   schools[index] = parts[0]

   towns[index] = parts[1]

   pupil_count[index] = parts[2]


# Close the file


Reading into an Array of Records

from dataclasses import dataclass

# Define record structure


class car:

  registration: str

  make: str

  model: str

  mileage: int


# Create an array for 100 blank cars

cars = [car] * 100


# Read data from the file

file = open("vehicles.csv", "r")

lines = file.readlines()



for i in range(0, 100):

  parts = lines[i].split(",")

  cars[i] = car(parts[0], parts[1], parts[2], int(parts[3]))


# Count how many have mileage over 25000

counter = 0

for i in range(0, 100):

  if cars[i].mileage > 25000:

    counter = counter + 1


# Show results

print("Cars with mileage over 25000:", counter)