Softball Seniors Catch the Blues

Last year, the George W. Hewlett High School Girls’ Varsity Softball Team's season ended abruptly after they failed to win enough games to advance to the playoffs. Star pitcher Valarie Liao-Greene ’21 suffered an injury that held her out of the final games of the season. When the end of last year’s season came around, the players and coaches still felt that they had more to give and were looking forward to pushing themselves to work harder and smarter in the 2020 season. After winning the Conference Championship back to back in 2017 and 2018, the team demonstrated the potential the team has to succeed against some great competition. This season was a time for the senior athletes to shine and repeat those achievements from past seasons. Here are some thoughts from this year’s senior class.

“I am really upset that this season is over. I was so excited to play out my senior year with the team. I knew that this year was going to be a tough one, since we have lost some players along the way, but I would have never thought it was going to be as tough as losing the whole season altogether. I was excited for the laughs, the games, post Saturday practices with the other girls and most importantly, the memories. Knowing that this season will never be complete certainly leaves me with an unpleasant feeling [as I am] leaving Hewlett High School this year. This season was a chance for the seniors to show off what they have learned throughout their years playing and finish off their high school career strong. Knowing that me or the other senior girls will never get the chance to experience this moment definitely hurts.” - Emma Moroney

“It is extremely upsetting that my senior season got ripped out from under my feet. I waited five years to be a senior captain on Varsity. I miss getting onto the field and being around my friends and teammates. I want to thank my coaches, teammates and fellow seniors for also being there for me throughout my softball career in Hewlett, and for teaching me to treasure every moment because you never know if it could be your last.” - Emma Blumenstein

“I only play two sports in a year. I have swam since I could remember and it was amazing to finish the season out strong this past fall. Leading up to that season, I knew that I would be getting into a pool to compete, but I do not know if I am ever going to be able to play on a softball field like I had in previous years. I was devastated to hear that our season was cancelled. I was looking forward to all the practices, especially on Saturdays, spending the morning and afternoons together and winning or losing together, as a team. Our team was special. We were all close to each other and worked hard, I was looking forward to playing my last season with my friends. In addition, our Senior Game will never happen, which would have been a special and important memory to have. Even though this season did not happen, I have still had amazing experiences playing on this team and I will remember my time playing forever.” - Sophia Coraci